Objective morality is the view that statements like "punishing an innocent person is morally wrong" are FACTS rather than opinions. Through rational intuition we know this to be a fact. So unless shown otherwise, objective morality is the status quo.
Free will means that you could've chosen otherwise. We believe that we can take alternative courses of action, so unless shown otherwise, free will is the status quo.
God, in the most basic sense, is a fundamental consciousness. Many philosophical arguments favor the existence of God. These include:
Kalam Cosmological argument
Argument from fine-tuning
Prime mover
Natural telos (ends/purpose in the universe)
Moral realism
Scientific evidence, from quantum mechanics, has also emerged showing that reality is indeterminate unless consciousness is observing/participating in it.
Purpose in the universe, or natural telos, is evident. Ask yourself if your heart has a purpose. Of course it does. The purpose of the heart is to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body. The only way a body structure like that could have purpose is if it has an intelligent designer (goals, like pumping oxygenated blood throughout the body, require intent -- to reach the goal, and knowledge -- of the goal itself).