1. As a result of an ongoing inter-Earthling dispute, a group of light skinned guys flew to the Earths Moon and kicked dust about.
2. Previously, a guy named Adolf who was miffed by by the negative outcome of a fighting competition, decided therefore to have another go...And lost again...And so gave up big time.
3. Some time before that, a group of religious outcasts and ne'er-do-wells sailed across the Atlantic Ocean and partook in a succession of fighting competitions....Eventually establishing an transglobal morally self-righteous fighting organisation, though thankfully their involvement in Adolph's second fighting competition (see above) resulted in Adolph's second defeat.
4. Interestingly, Adolph's second fighting competition brought about the temporary cooperation of the previously mentioned inter-Earthling rivals (see above). Nonetheless, cooperation was short lived, as once the competition was over they quickly reaffirmed their rivalry, resulting in the implementation of a series of new strategy games, such as political ideology, global nuclear war and space flying (see above).
5. Sporadic short lived bursts of cooperation and admiration between the aforementioned rivals, nonetheless encouraged another go at spaceflight, resulting in variously skin-toned guys and gals (all other pseudo-genders welcome) whizzing around the Earth at great speed, much to the occasional wonderment of delighted onlookers.