i have come back from the dead. at the start of quarantine i kinda forgot about this site but now have unforgottenified it and have decided that an ama is the best way to announce my revival. so... ama
WaterPhoenix AMA
Favourite font?
Favourite car?
favorite youtuber
Calibri and whatever car that has a sky light roof thingy ig, i dont really know any cars
I don't watch much youtube but daily dose of internet is always pretty entertaining.
If you don't live in Antarctica, where do you live?
Antarctica 2
What made you conservative?
The sheer idiocracy of leftists.
Political and economical class struggles push the world further and further into ultimate implosion and collapse. Individual rights far overpower the greater good in the world that all of us live in today, which leads humanity into a greed that cannot be cured unless there is a radical and rapid political and economical event that takes down the capitalist and part-communist governments that are in place today. Economic struggles that are in place today are obvious, gaps between social classes are egregious. Hard work in capitalist society is rewarded rarely and that is the problem with society and the economy that is currently in place. The solution to this? Marxism? Leninism? No. The promises that several far-left political ideologies give to us are far fetched and completely impossible. A utopian, classless, stateless, and no socioeconomic class society is improbable and most likely impossible to achieve within the next century. Also, the process of going through a socialist revolution is not inevitable, it completely contradicts the purpose of communist ideologies in the first place. There ought to be a new and different solution for these terrible struggles the average Earth citizen faces. A new political ideology will be born out of the dark shadows of revolution: Crocism.
Crocism manifesto we be here soon.
k buddy