Why are these places defunding the police. I thought it was about reforming the police, not getting rid of it. How are you gonna protect the citizens? Is there something I’m missing. Why not just reform the system and restructure? Normally I’d react in anger, but I might be missing something. In that case, someone please inform me
Can anyone explain to me?
Update. It looks like it throws out the old system and will replace it. Interesting approach to the problem
I don't claim to know everything about the topic. but my understanding is that it is not about abolishing the police. It is about refocusing funding away from repressing poor people towards helping poor people.
It is usually poor people who engage in crime (at least the petty crimes police most care about) because they are more desperate and have less to lose. In america, huge amounts of money are funneled into arming police to the teeth so that they can crack down on and suppress these people. The argument is that if you deal with the underlying poverty that causes people to turn to crime, then you do far more to deal with crime than if you spent it on police. you get far more bang for your buck helping people than in trying to bash their heads in.
I read the plan. I’m not fully convinced it will work as well. But I am not going to judge it until I see it in effect in Minneapolis and see it in effect. From there I will make a consensus on it once stats come on. It might take a while to put in place so this may take years.
Will it be beneficial, will it fail? Not gonna make a judgement on it. It’s just a mystery waiting to be answered
I love how CNN is acting all casual like its not a radical anarchist idea-"this is how protesters are calling for defunding the police"
If they stopped worrying about offending people, then people such as yourself would call them even more evil and rude on top of it.
no I wouldnt, i dont care if you have a little fire to ya, dont be a soft cry baby who doxxes a 15 year when they make a meme
I read the plan. I’m not fully convinced it will work as well. But I am not going to judge it until I see it in effect in Minneapolis and see it in effect.
this isn't the sort of plan that can be enacted in a single city. that's like putting a bandaid on the plague. the problems inherent in the system are by design. the people who designed the american economy wanted the vast majority of wealth to go a tiny segment of society. No matter how well one city does to try to combat that, they can't succeed if the rest of the system perpetuates the problem.
What are you talking about?
If it takes defunding the police to destroy their work unions, I am all for it.
If it's to replace it with another similar police department that's shielded from accountability, I pass.
I heard NYC was doing it. I wouldn’t be ready to do this reform nationwide until we prove that it works. Then we make a judgement
We are probably the only country in the world that pumps money into failed public schools but at the same time defunds the police for “failing.”
dont be a soft cry baby who doxxes a 15 year when they make a meme
Regarding #7: Doxing is a serious allegation, so please be careful to ensure your words imply the news source which committed it, as opposed to the member who did not.
Why are these places defunding the police. I thought it was about reforming the police, not getting rid of it
There's a big ass translation issue with the saying that is naturally causing a lot of confusion. The short answer is that 'Defund the Police' is an ambiguous statement that could mean completely different goals or objectives depending on which state or city you are in.
Most instances of defunding the police is using funds that would normally go to Police Departments and instead giving that money to 1) Local organizations that would curb crime on a more grassroots level, on the argument that they can do it more efficiently and in a safer manner. or 2) Use that funding to invest in more impoverished communities that often get more policed than other wealthier areas. The degree of how much funding would be transferred varies by department in different cities. Calls to defund police programs and transfer that money to other crime-reducing organizations/poorer community areas could range anywhere from 15% to 75% of funding police departments get, most of the time it does not mean getting rid of the police department entirely.
Some other instances of defunding the police is just pulling funding to police departments meant for specific problems. Boston PD's in particular have been facing a unique call to defund some of the programs that pay overtime wages to police officers, since the overtime system is apparently massively abused in the state (Police officers can make more money then the mayor of Boston himself) https://www.boston25news.com/news/25-investigates-overworked-police-departments-paying-big-money-in-overtime/1010669867/ This also varies by department in addition to the scope of how much funding is being limited.
The most extreme thing Ive heard though happened in Minneapolis where resolutions to flat out abolish the Police Department, which is currently gaining some sort of steam in Minneapolis where all this shit started.
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/07/minneapolis-city-council-defund-police-george-floyd The vote to abolish the police department though is still very much in its infancy, with no clear indication what would replace it. If I had to guess, the move appears to be a maneuver to create a new police system that is effectively the same as any regular big-city police department, except with a fresh start that doesnt have all the pre-existing ailments/issues the previous Police Department were unable to reform (Training techniques, eligibility to be an officer, programs the police carry out, etc.).... I don't think the abolition of the police department means it will be replaced with some ultra-hippy community organization that is the wet dream of a 1960's acid dealer, it will probably lead to the implementation of a new police department that just trains officers and carries out different programs than the old one did.
Yep I heard about it. Media should stop using disbanded, it should something like replace with ______.
I'm going to sit and watch. I don't think Chicago will be doing this anytime soon. Either way, I think what happens here could drastically change the way the elections proceed in the future for both sides of the aisle
I gues I can clear it up
it was CNN
the latter is what they want
it's politically popular with the leftist, not much else need be known or questioned, those in favor or supporting will be elected/re-elected that's all that really matters, keeping or gaining power.
Why restructure for the pitifully small percentage of police who are bad actors? Prosecute the bad actors. That's the only solution needed.
It's truly sad to see the lives of these men ruined. But I think Minneapolis vetoed this decision
Why restructure for the pitifully small percentage of police who are bad actors? Prosecute the bad actors. That's the only solution needed.
I think a good aid for this is that video of the cops pushing down a 75 year old man in buffalo. 2 of them are directly responsible for hospitalizing an old man. They are "bad actors". But the rest of the cops around them did nothing to help the guy or to tell the "bad actors" they were wrong. You then had 57 members of the riot squad resign to protest the 2 "bad actors" being punished.
The problem isn't one or 2 bad people here and there doing bad things. The entire culture of the police force is that they have the right to push down anyone they want. The entire riot squad thought it was wrong to punish cops for hospitalizing an old man. He was in their way so he deserved to have his skull cracked as far as they are concerned. Punishing some scape goats doesn't fix the underlying problem. You need sweeping changes to change how the police function and view their job and the public or these attacks will continue.
The Minneapolis City Charter prohibits the City Council to do what they have moved to do: Dedund the police. Oops.
Your superlatives betray your argument.
You then had 57 members of the riot squad resign to protest the 2 "bad actors" being punished.
but then you say
The entire culture of the police force is that they have the right to push down anyone they want. The entire riot squad thought it was wrong to punish cops for hospitalizing an old man.
Are 57 men the entire force? No. You may say tyhey do consst of the entire force, but that's too easy. And t's wrong. So it's 57. It is not "a;;." Stop saying it is. It isn't helping.
Are 57 men the entire force? No.
no, they are the entire riot squad though.
You may say tyhey do consst of the entire force, but that's too easy. And t's wrong. So it's 57. It is not "a;;." Stop saying it is. It isn't helping.
you are attempting to imply that it is 1 or 2 bad actors but that everything else is fundamentally fine. 100% of the buffalo riot squad are either "bad actors" or are willing to fight to protect "bad actors". With those kinds of numbers this is not some kind of isolated issue. It permeates the entire force.
One sub-group of force in one city. My argument holds. you are expanding a single instance to represent the entire country. No, can'rt get aw2ay with that.
One sub-group of force in one city. My argument holds. you are expanding a single instance to represent the entire country. No, can'rt get aw2ay with that.
these cases are not isolated. We have seen cases of the police attacking and abusing protesters all over the country. The police then lie about the attack. then video comes out proving the attack. then the police admit it happened. It has become an old pattern.
If it wasn't a systemic problem, you wouldn't see the official police position being lies before the video comes out. In this example the official explanation was "he tripped" until the video came out, then suddenly they changed their story.
Few here will (or can) remember, but the current mood in the country is just like the mood in the late 1960's. Where do you think the word "pig" for the police comes from? The kids were in the streets all over the country talking about "peace and love", ending the Vietnam War, and even disbanding the military. And the mass media ate it up, proclaiming a "new" shift in society.
And the country elected Richard Nixon and became more conservative. The peace and love Hippies disappeared, and the age of Aquarius fizzled.
This current "movement" will similarly overreach, becoming loony in their list for far left policies, and the rest of the country, the rational majority, will come out in Nov and nip it in the bud.
Hear Hear.
Why restructure for the pitifully small percentage of police who are bad actors? Prosecute the bad actors. That's the only solution needed.
What's pitiful is the amount of cops who are too cowardly to call out bad actors. If you think it's just "a few bad apples" or whatever you are painfully ignorant (and I do mean painful) to the amount of abuses cops commit and get away with day in and day out, and have for many years. You obviously know nothing about how police unions cover bad cops and protect them from being disciplined or fired. And I assume you have no idea that police misconduct lawsuits cost tax payers hundreds of millions of dollars every year because they're shielded by immunity laws that literally let them get away with murder while the rest of us are bullied and harassed for minor infractions. It's sickening. I'm so happy this is happening and the country finally sees these aggressors for what they are. It's time for reform and reform includes a redistribution of funding away from police.