In the religion forums, I have begun interviewing people about their beliefs, I wish to do a very similar thing with Politics (but this of course will have more structure and censoring via avoiding asking certain things).
I am not here to convince, I am here to help you get your voice out there in a structured way.
See these 2 interviews and how they unfold if you're skeptical (there will be more hopefully):
Apply with the following:
Name you want to be addressed with (including Mr/Mrs/Ms etc): (it can be your username)
Political label I affiliate with: (if you don't, state such)
Motive to engage in the interview: (being understood, showing off, entertaining the audience, learning as you're asked to explain etc)
In your opinion, is freedom, harmony, prosperity, intelligence or some other such priority the top thing for society to aim for?
Your answers to these things will help me structure the beginning of the interview and I will evolve based on your answers both here and inside the interview.
Applying does not guarantee acceptance, I am free to decline applications.