They Want To Discuss Anything But The Bible

Author: Stephen


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Since I came to this forum it has  dawned on me that those that `believe ` and are devoted to Christianity only seem to want to discuss  the "qualities " of god and or Jesus; how "god loves us" and cares for us and how "Jesus died for us". How Jesus literally "healed the sick and the blind". How he was "taken up to heaven" literally.   And of course, discuss the lovely beautiful place called paradise we are said to go to when we are dead- if we have been good .

    Christians never seem to be able to or really want to discuss the actual content of biblical scriptures themselves. These scriptures that are supposed to be the inspired words of their god Jesus are full of  unexplainable, ambiguous, contradictory half stories and verses that Christians just don't seem to want to face and fail to explain when they try.  


[A] Matthew 10:34 "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword".

[B] Luke 22:36  "He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one [a sword]". 

[C] Matthew 26:52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword".

So, the intention is clear at [A] and [B] seems to support the intentions of [A] that is until we get to [C] which contradicts both [A] & [B].   Not to mention that Christians  call their God Jesus "the Prince of Peace",   while Exodus  tells us that  their God Jesus is a man of war and a Jealous god.  while Job 5:2 informs us that; "Surely resentment destroys the fool, and jealousy kills the simple.

A Christian will try to explain this away by informing you, that it is you that is at fault and not the scripture, with various reasons including  that "you cannot read" or worse.
  Christians  want the  educated 21st century person just to accept everything that is said about god and Jesus without question as was the case hundreds of thousands of years BC  & early AD. Christians appear to have ignored that fact that the human race has educated itself since the days of Noah & Moses and all those other biblical patriarchs  and that superstition hardly plays no part in 21st century man's thinking.

Aaron's staff turned into a serpent, it was a miracle performed by god. The Egyptian priests staffs were also turned into serpents, but by black magic.

Christians, ALWAYS  take it as a direct insult to themselves and their faith when approached with these anomalous biblical  contradictory half stories. And  to point out the hundreds of biblical contradictions to Christians it is   taken  that the questioner as being audacious and insulting.   Do they not realise that by taking this attitude and stance against those that  question these unreliable scriptures that they themselves are contradicting the instructions  their  own scriptures!?

 I take it as a direct insult when I am told that I "cannot read".  That "I am taking thing out of context". That "I  will never be able to understand - unless I believe". any many of the hundreds of insults and excuses they will throw at anyone simply that simply question what is there to be questioned. Christians simply forget that the questioner has absolutely nothing to defend when discussing and disputing claims made in the biblical scriptures. 

Christians need to understand that today, in the 21st century, one doesn't have to have faith and believe in their god Jesus, before they can read the bible for themselves and on their own. 

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


Oh my, if there ever was a thread that pseudo-christians will RUN AWAY from, your thread is it!  

Unfortunately for me as a TRUE Christian, that has to follow ALL of the Bible, where Jesus didn't expect anything less, it is very hard to follow it in its entirety. This is because I have read the Bible myself,  instead of having it spoon-fed to me on Sunday mornings, and having to dish out 10% of my paycheck to the offering plate. Therefore when reading the Bible, there are narratives like you have posed in your initial post above which seriously test my faith in the 21st century.

Therefore, the only slim thread that keeps me being a TRUE Christian, is the fact of a glorious 1400 square mile heaven upon my earthly demise, and the FACT that there will be no women in said heaven as biblically proposed, which should be the number one premise of vying to seek heaven at all costs in following ALL of Jesus' inspired words!



Stephen's avatar
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Oh my, if there ever was a thread that pseudo-christians will RUN AWAY from, your thread is it!  

 And it is as I have guessed Brother. 

Christians,  imo,  simply cannot justify these anomalous contradictory  half stories and claims made in the biblical scriptures. They prefer it appears to "interview " one another or share fawning sycophantic stories of imagined experiences that they have had with Jesus their god, (  that includes you Brother).   A god that  cannot make up his mind from one verse to the next and can never get his story straight. 

And how for instance can this  be justified not to mention explained? 

To a baying mob - "I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish" Genesis 19:8

Stephen's avatar
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Then there is  Jesus ordering his followers  :

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.Matthew 22:36

and the assumption that all non believers are  lawless ;

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
The reality is that most people purporting to be Christians have probably never read the bible. Or have read it loosely with little consideration for what they are reading.

If I gave you a book containing 200 pages to read and then asked you to tell me what the first paragraph on page 28 was,  (unless you possessed a photographic memory) you probably wouldn't have the slightest idea.

I couldn't tell you what the first word on the first page was, on any book that I have ever read. 

Unless reading is a specific exercise in memorizing information, then data input becomes only a transitory entertainment experience.
Stephen's avatar
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The reality is.......

The reality  for many Christians is that they haven't read the scriptures for themselves, Vic. They have had them read to them and in most cases from a very early age. They have been steered only towards what a lovely man Jesus allegedly was  and steered away from the problematic stories and verses that contradict what they have been guided towards to read and what they have been told . It was very rare indeed when I was at school that an RE teacher would  dare venture into the realms of  Old Testament except to tell us how great god was and of Moses 's miracles with the help of god. 

They have not been prepared to really be challenged on these scriptures and that is why they disappear once their excuses and arguments have fallen flat and shown to be baseless, and their god to be a butchering  maniac who would kill at the drop of an hat for the simplest of reasons or no reason at all.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Christians never seem to be able to or really want to discuss the actual content of biblical scriptures themselves
I can cite more than 5 threads right now where you ran away from discussing the content of scripture. Would you like me to?

So, the intention is clear at [A] and [B]...
And what is that intention Stevie? You don't say.

...that is until we get to [C] which contradicts both [A] & [B].
How? You haven't told us the intention of A, B, or C. Should we assume? How do they contradict?

Now see, I'm a Christian wanting to discuss the content of scripture, and my guess is you will become biligerant, and dodge all my questions, if your history is any indication.

A Christian will try to explain this away by....
Let the Christian explain himself. If your argument is good, you will not have to offer the Christian's argument for him.

Here is a question, not for you dodger, but for the gentle reader.

Q: If Jesus told his disciples to carry a sword, did that necessarily mean He wanted them to use it in every situation?

So then it is consistent that Jesus could have told His disciples to get a sword, but could have told them not to use one in a particular situation. What? You knew this already? Of course you did Gentle Reader. A 12 year old child knows this. People not suffering from God Derangement Syndrome (GDS) know this. People with common sense know this. 

I take it as a direct insult when I am told that I "cannot read". 
Your reading comprehension skills are exceptionally poor. No offence meant. Even this post shows it. Basically you act as if words can have only one meaning. That greatly hampers your reading comprehension.

That "I am taking thing out of context". 
Taking things out of context is possible. You do it unconsciously because you don't know the context of the things you speak of in the first place. For example, you don't know that the context of A and B was the evil days to come after Jesus' death, and C was the particular case of Jesus' arrest. Or maybe you know but are hoping a bit of dishonesty will power your silly argument through. I don't know.

They have not been prepared to really be challenged on these scriptures and that is why they disappear once their excuses and arguments have fallen flat...
In every thread I can cite, you dodged questions, became vulgar and loud, and then ran away. Would you like me to cite them? Your comments are contradicted by your history.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


********** Look who is back, the number ONE DEBATEART Bible fool ETHANG5! **********

Who can forget his Satanic modus operandi within this forum before his extended 6 week vacation/ban, and that was ETHANG5 metaphorically was Dracula, and when you introduced biblical axioms, science, logic and reason,  these aforementioned propositions represented "Daybreak," where Dracula/Ethang5 had to RUN AWAY from the light  that these propositions represent! LOL!

With his LONG time off, he has probably gotten a lot of new RUNNING SHOES so he can leave discussions quickly when he sees the astute DA member burying him because of is lack of Bible knowledge!  You have to admit, every Religion forum has to have an ETHANG5 in its midst to show others what a pseudo-christian truly looks and acts like in the name of Satan! LOL!


ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Dee Dee, when you have nothing to say, don't post.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Christians never seem to be able to or really want to discuss the actual content of biblical scriptures themselves
I can cite more than 5 threads right now where you ran away from discussing the content of scripture. Would you like me to?

(1)  I see that you have started as you mean to go on. LYING!

So, the intention is clear at [A] and [B]...
And what is that intention Stevie? You don't say.

(2) Because the intention is clear.  They are all told to  arm themselves even if it means selling their underpants. This is an extreme command if they were not intending to use those swords and on top of that Jesus makes it very clear he hasn't come to bring peace. 

 But you seen this all in my op and  you have tried to poke holes in the very contradiction shown by [C] and failed.  And  pretending  or imagining Jesus may  have said something  in addition to this command won't explain that away as much as I know you rare going to use that excuse. .  So Away with your nonsense. He didn't tell his hoards of followers to arm themselves if they were simply going to go about their  daily business of fishing , inn keeping  and begging while Jesus performed his "miracles".

The Christian should be asking why such a command to bare arms? What were they expected to use them for? What was going to cause them to have to use them?  And who were they going to use them against.  

...that is until we get to [C] which contradicts both [A] & [B].
How? You haven't told us the intention of A, B, or C. Should we assume? How do they contradict?

(3)    See (2)  above.

Now see, I'm a Christian wanting to discuss the content of scripture,

(4)  OH Goody!  Now lets see how long it is before you,   (1) rewrite the scriptures.  (2) Put words into the mouths of the biblical authors.  (3) Put words into the mouths of the biblical characters. (4) Put words into the mouth of Jesus himself . (5) Exhibit double standards.  (6) Exhibit hypocrisy. (7)  Answer a question with a question of your own. (8) Respond to  genuine  questions with sarcasm. (9)  Redirect the question to something you believe is easier to answer.  (10)  Ignore the questions altogether and don't answer it. (11) pretend you were never asked a question. (12) Try to shame the questioner. (13) Persistently address the questioner in derogatory terms, then complain that you are being picked on when the compliment is returned.  (14)  Often use the 'answer me first' tactic.  (15) Redefine words to suit your narrative and agenda. (16) Accuse others of doing what it is you constantly do yourself. (17) Doctor members comments to enable you to respond to a question. (18) purposefully derail a thread where you have embarrassed your self or been embarrassed by another member.  And (19) and  the one that you continually use,  Tell bare faced lies

I note you have exhibited some of the above already.

Q: If Jesus told his disciples to carry a sword, did that necessarily mean He wanted them to use it in every situation?
(5)  No.  He wanted them to learn cake mixing and needle work and sewing. and  that will be covered by (2) Putting words into the mouths of the biblical authors.

Jesus could have told His disciples to get a sword, but could have told them not to use one in a particular situation.

(6) That will come under (1) rewriting the scriptures..(2) Putting words into the mouths of the biblical authors. 4) Put words into the mouth of Jesus himself.  
You are doing well.

What? You knew this already?

(7)  No. And that too will come under (1) rewrite the scriptures. 

Of course you did Gentle Reader. A 12 year old child knows this. People not suffering from God Derangement Syndrome (GDS) know this. People with common sense know this. 
(8)  I think you might mean Christians  may think they know this once you have (1) rewritten the scriptures. for them. 

I take it as a direct insult when I am told that I "cannot read". 
Your reading comprehension skills are exceptionally poor.

 (9)  That will be  (13) Persistently address the questioner in derogatory terms,

 Basically you act as if words can have only one meaning. That greatly hampers your reading comprehension.
(10) That will come under (15) Redefine words to suit your narrative and agenda.  & possibly (17) Doctor members comments to enable you to respond to a question.

In every thread I can cite, you dodged questions, became vulgar and loud, and then ran away. Would you like me to cite them? Your comments are contradicted by your history.

(11)  I believe the above is covered by (16) Accuse others of doing what it is you constantly do yourself. (17) Doctor members comments to enable you to respond to a question.  And (18) and  the one that you continually use,  Tell bare faced lies. 

Would you like me to cite them?

(12) No.  I would like you to bring them to the top of the religion forum board so we can all see who ran from whom. and who committed all the  aforementioned deceitful tactics.  I wouldn't want you banned so soon after your much needed break, by "contaminating another thread" , that you will no doubt attempt to derail, once you are on the back-foot. See (18) Purposefully derail a thread where you have embarrassed your self or been embarrassed by another member .

became vulgar and loud,

I gave as good as I received.  MY, that was a long ban wasn't it?  What ever could you have done to deserve such a penalty?

for the gentle reader.

Keep in mind all the aforementioned: 

(1) rewrite the scriptures.  (2) Put words into the mouths of the biblical authors.  (3) Put words into the mouths of the biblical characters. (4) Put words into the mouth of Jesus himself . (5) Exhibit double standards.  (6) Exhibit hypocrisy. (7)  Answer a question with a question of your own. (8) Respond to  genuine  questions with sarcasm. (9)  Redirect the question to something you believe is easier to answer.  (10)  Ignore the questions altogether and don't answer it. (11) pretend you were never asked a question. (12) Try to shame the questioner. (13) Persistently address the questioner in derogatory terms, then complain that you are being picked on when the compliment is returned.  (14)  Often use the 'answer me first' tactic.  (15) Redefine words to suit your narrative and agenda. (16) Accuse others of doing what it is you constantly do yourself. (17) Doctor members comments to enable you to respond to a question. (18) purposefully derail a thread where you have embarrassed your self or been embarrassed by another member.  And (19) and  the one that you continually use,  Tell bare faced lies

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Hey Mr Ascerbic.

You always dodge the biggest question of all....Can you actually prove that a god exists?

And in fairness, that conditioned mental block compels you to dodge.

I do understand.

I hope that you were aware of protestations I made against your ban...… And Regards to Mrs Ethan.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR LAME POST TO YOUR NON ACCEPTANCE OF THE TRUTH: "Dee Dee, when you have nothing to say, don't post."

What is so sad with your recent BAN, is you had all that time off to get a new writer for your MO of blatantly RUNNING AWAY from godly posts made to you, but you didn't! Why?  How many times have we heard this insipid phrase of yours: "when you have nothing to say, don't post?"  I had a lot to say regarding your RUNAWAY status on DEBATEART, where most importantly, you are the number one runaway Bible fool on this forum, bar none!

Personally, I am going to easily Bible Slap you Silly,®️ and the way we will know this FACT, is that you will runaway AGAIN using a myriad of lame excuses like in your quote above!  By the time I am done with you alone, notwithstanding others that will line up, you will want to get banned again as an exit excuse to leave DEBATEART!



EtrnlVw's avatar
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In every thread I can cite, you dodged questions, became vulgar and loud, and then ran away.

Ethang! good to see ya around...the loonies are getting too much free time and patting each other on the backs (pretending people are scared) because no one want to socialize with them due to their lack of intelligence, they delude themselves in their nonsensical posts. Don't be too hard on them, their a bit volatile. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


As you can plainly see, there is always an “ass kisser” available in these forums, as in this case, the current and recent “ass kisser” is mentioning the number one Biblical ignorant fool ethang5 in erroneously stating that he is glad  that he has returned to allegedly take care of a certain faction, and to be “not to hard on them.”   Where in truth, it is the other way around, where myself and a few others have easily taken poor ol’ ethang5 to the carpet since his Satanic return because of his blatant and never ending Bible ignorance! 

Ethang5’s motto, along with the current ass kisser, should be: "WTF, is that really in my Bible? How and the hell will I explain that disturbing passage/narrative away and still remain intelligent looking in the aftermath? Wait, I know, I'll make child like excuses and just run away from it!" 

The current ass kisser and ethang5 are two peas in a pod regarding their runaway status here upon this forum to Christian topics and refutations to them, and where I and a few others will easily continue to outright “own” their biblical ignorance at their embarrassing expense, praise Jesus! 



fauxlaw's avatar
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Once again, you ignore the advice to not pick a verse and criticize it when it is pulled out of context. One verse does not make a case. Certainly, your own post is evidence of that, else you would make your case in one or two sentences. Since you don't, I ask how you justify a critique of one verse, typically of fewer than two sentences? I ask how you justify your claim that Christians do not want to "discuss the actual content of biblical scriptures themselves?" Neither do you, in context. Geese and ganders, my friend.
Stephen's avatar
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I ask how you justify 
You have no right to ask me anything you coward,  you have me blocked.!!!! this is simply antagonism and harassment.

I am asking you to stay off my threads.  This is now harassment. I do not want to communicate with you, AT ALL at ANYTIME

You have followed me around this boards making comments on MY threads when I cannot respond to you directly because  you have me blocked. It is a cowards way of communicating. So AGAIN I am asking you not to communicate with me ESPECIALLY on my own threads.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

@ EtrnlVw shouting from behind the tall folk and leading from the back:  

while he has me on block :
Don't be too hard on them, their a bit volatile. {............................} pretending people  [you ] are scared

There you go again. encouraging and inciting others to do what you can't do yourself.  I suppose you are just apathetic to the fact the a member has only just returned from a long ban of which  was more than likely caused by your ability to incite  other dupes to do your dirty work.  Always shouting from the sidelines aren't you or leading from the back? 

I will say it again. You keep putting in the bullets and he and other dupes will surely fire them  .... for you. 
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
And what is that intention Stevie? You don't say.

(2) Because the intention is clear. 
It may be clear to you, but it isn't clear to anyone not a member of the Landover Baptist Church. And if it was so clear to you, you'd be able to state it.

But you seen this all in my op and  you have tried to poke holes in the very contradiction shown by [C] and failed.
Then why can't you answer the questions put to you? If Jesus tells us to buy swords, that doesn't necessarily mean we are to use them in every instance. Your argument is simply silly.

Now see, I'm a Christian wanting to discuss the content of scripture,...

And instead, you make a self-serving commentary on your biased post. Let's discuss the content of scripture homer. You don't want to contradict your own claim that Christians run away from discussing the contents of scripture do you?

Basically, you act as if words can have only one meaning. That greatly hampers your reading comprehension.

(10) That will come under (15) Redefine words to suit your narrative and agenda.  & possibly (17) Doctor members comments to enable you to respond to a question.
Can words have more than one meaning Abdul? Well? What is the meaning of "jealous". Can you discuss the content of scripture or will you again dodge with some silly reference to your scatterbrained post?

Your comments are contradicted by your history. In every thread I can cite, you dodged questions, became vulgar and loud, and then ran away. Would you like me to cite them?

(12) No.
Lol. I didn't think so.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Hey Mr Ascerbic.
Hi Adolph.

You always dodge the biggest question of all....Can you actually prove that a god exists?
I've answered you. Yes I can. But you mislead by not posting your entire question. Your question actually is, "can I prove God exists TO YOU?"

This is like Joseph Goebbels asking if I can prove that Jews are not sub-human. Sure I can, but just not to HIM.

And in fairness, that conditioned mental block compels you to dodge. I do understand.
You should, that "mental block" exists entirely in your mind. For example, I cannot prove to an illiterate, that time is relative depending on the velocity of the observer. Being illiterate, he cannot understand the concepts needed to comprehend the answer to the question.

And being illiterate, when the concepts are explained to you, it comes across as gibberish, because to illiterates, whatever they don't know, is untrue.

I hope that you were aware of protestations I made against your ban...… And Regards to Mrs Ethan.
I am aware. And thanks.

Virt views me as a "homophobe", and in his progressive liberal activist zeal, sees banning me as an act of social good. One has to take the rain with the sunshine. Mrs. Ethan is one of the main reasons why bans on little obscure websites don't amount to much.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Ethang! good to see ya around...
And you too Etrnl.

...the loonies are getting too much free time and patting each other on the backs (pretending people are scared)
Yeah. I see that Stephen has joined Dee Dee at the Landover Baptist Church. Hilarious.

...because no one want to socialize with them due to their lack of intelligence, they delude themselves in their nonsensical posts. Don't be too hard on them, their a bit volatile.
You know me Etrnl, Velvet Gloves is my middle name. ; )
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Then why can't you answer the questions put to you?

I did but you cannot see it. They intended to by arms. now you tell us why?

Why such a command to bare arms? What were they expected to use them for? What was going to cause them to have to use them?  And who were they going to use them against?  And hurry up about it instead of your usual bullshit and pointless filibuster  

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Let's discuss the content of scripture homer -[................................] Can words have more than one meaning Abdul?
Those  will be covered by:
(12) Try to shame the questioner. (13) Persistently address the questioner in derogatory terms, then complain that you are being picked on when the compliment is returned.  (14) 

Can you discuss the content of scripture or will you again dodge

that will be covered by:  (16) Accuse others of doing what it is you constantly do yourself. (17) Doctor members comments to enable you to respond to a question.

for the gentle reader.

Keep in mind all the aforementioned: 

(1) rewrite the scriptures.  (2) Put words into the mouths of the biblical authors.  (3) Put words into the mouths of the biblical characters. (4) Put words into the mouth of Jesus himself . (5) Exhibit double standards.  (6) Exhibit hypocrisy. (7)  Answer a question with a question of your own. (8) Respond to  genuine  questions with sarcasm. (9)  Redirect the question to something you believe is easier to answer.  (10)  Ignore the questions altogether and don't answer it. (11) pretend you were never asked a question. (12) Try to shame the questioner. (13) Persistently address the questioner in derogatory terms, then complain that you are being picked on when the compliment is returned.  (14)  Often use the 'answer me first' tactic.  (15) Redefine words to suit your narrative and agenda. (16) Accuse others of doing what it is you constantly do yourself. (17) Doctor members comments to enable you to respond to a question. (18) purposefully derail a thread where you have embarrassed your self or been embarrassed by another member.  And (19) and  the one that you continually use,  Tell bare faced lies

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


HOLY JESUS CHRIST!  Wow, are you lucky or what?  In Stephen's banning you were saved further embarrassment by not having to address his FACTS towards you!  I know, as if you were going to do it in the first place, NOT!  lol. 

EtrnlVw has me on block, which says a great deal in that he cannot even come close in defending Christianity when I engages him with Bible facts that he runs away from. Yes, it is totally embarrassing for him, but what is a pseudo-christian that is as Bible ignorant as you to do, except to block other members to try and save further embarrassment?

"Velvet gloves" are you middle name? Ewwwwwwwwwwww, how gross! Since when is it okay to bring forth your self pleasing act in a Religion Forum, because as shown throughout your weak posts, it doesn't pertain to anything but this ungodly act of perversion!

I am so happy that you finally returned from Jesus and I Bible Slapping you Silly!®️

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
HOLY JESUS CHRIST!  Wow, are you lucky or what?  In Stephen's banning you were saved further embarrassment by not having to address his FACTS towards you! 
Sort of the way you think you're saved further embarrassment by not having to address the  topics of the threads you infect? Hmmm Dee Dee?

I am so happy that you finally returned from Jesus and I Bible Slapping you Silly!
Deluded as you are, you still knew your fellow Landover Baptist church deacon Stephen had been banned. Whose going to shout "amen" at your shtick now? Surely your church has more than one member?
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR INSIDIOUS QUOTE: "Sort of the way you think you're saved further embarrassment by not having to address the  topics of the threads you infect? Hmmm Dee Dee?"

As if you are not embarrassed enough with your BIBLE STUPID post in the The Free Will-Omniscience Dilemma thread, now you have to grasp for straws to state that I do not address the topic of certain threads?   Okay, to show the truth in your statement, your homework in preventing any further embarrassment to you, is to list each specific thread that I have allegedly not addressed the main topic at hand. READY?  Or is the membership going to watch you RUN AWAY again upon your accusation?!  Which is it going to be?  BEGIN!  ( I will keep track of this post to bring it forth again if you have failed to accomplish what you have said)

YOUR CONTINUED SMOKE SCREEN QUOTE TO TAKE THE LIMELIGHT OFF OF YOUR BIBLE STUPID SITUATION: "Deluded as you are, you still knew your fellow Landover Baptist church deacon Stephen had been banned. Whose going to shout "amen" at your shtick now? Surely your church has more than one member?"

Uh, yes, barring this Landover thingy you keep bringing up to try and save yourself, Steven being banned was self-evident in seeing a line through his moniker. GET IT, YES, MAYBE? LOL! How far are you willing to go in showing this forum your idiocy outside of the Bible as well?!  Oh my, how embarrassing for you once again. :(

Ethang5, catch your breath for a moment, and understand that your assumed intellect is making it too easy for me to show everyone in what you truly are! LOL!


EtrnlVw's avatar
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How cute and sensitive, Brother Landover is going to place "Bible" before "stupid" every time he wishes to insult someone to avoid violating the COC lol! hilarious. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

YOUR QUOTE WISHING THAT YOU HAD 1/1000 OF MY MO: "How cute and sensitive, Brother Landover is going to place "Bible" before "stupid" every time he wishes to insult someone to avoid violating the COC lol! hilarious."

Again, you have me on block because you lost your balls awhile back when I made you the Biblical fool many times in front of the membership! Get this straight, I am NOT insulting anyone because of what I say is TRUE, therefore there is no insult involved. Furthermore, if you think that what you posed was hilarious, then you are very, very, very easily entertained which unfortunately shows your wanting intellect which bleeds over to your faith.  

Now, get back to the sidelines where you belong, because you have no purpose in this forum other than to have others making you the  uneducated Bible fool that you are!

You are excused to save further embarrassment.


ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Uh, yes, barring this Landover thingy you keep bringing up to try and save yourself,...
How will you being a member of a church of morons "save" me?

Steven being banned was self-evident in seeing a line through his moniker. 
Lol. Do yo know why he was banned genius?

Ethang5, catch your breath for a moment, and understand that your assumed intellect is making it too easy for me to show everyone in what you truly are! LOL!
And yet its you chasing me around the board spamming the same silly shtick over and over. I don't have to "show" anyone what you truly are. You do that perfectly all by yourself.

Spam another repetitive shtick post again. No one needs to assume about your intellect.
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


YOUR COMICAL CIRCULAR REASONING POST: "How will you being a member of a church of morons "save" me?"

OMG, once again you are spinning your insipid circular reasoning where you insidiously assume as a premise, the conclusion in which you wish to reach, therefore, what is this Landover thingy that you keep promoting and that I am allegedly a member?  Are you able to tell me what it is, or will you be RUNNING AWAY in not telling me like you excessively do from your embarrassing jabberwocky word salad BIBLE STUPID posts? Well?

Of course you'll agree that your landmark uneducated post this week, with more obviously forthcoming, was the one in the The Free Will-Omniscience Dilemma thread that was a real knee slapper, and that I easily corrected for you in Bible Slapping you Silly®️ at your laughable expense once again in my post in response!  I told other "associates" in other Religion forums about this standout post of yours, and they visited to view it, and long story short, they are still laughing at the FACT that how can any pseudo-christian like you be that Bible inexperienced? You are a legend in Bible idiocy in the Sam Harris and Dawkins forums, where I try and save Atheists from Hellfire!  Congratulations, you are getting a name for yourself.

YOUR QUOTE ABOUT STEPHEN WHO OWNS YOU: "Lol. Do yo know why he was banned genius?"

No, I do no why he was banned, and thank you for coming to terms in calling me Genius.  All I know is the fact that when you were rightfully banned this last time, you got an additional  2 WEEKS added to your 30 day stint! LOL!  How embarrassing can you get within this forum, as if your post in question that you are still running away from wasn't embarrassing enough!  

YOUR QUOTE WHERE I AM ALLEGEDLY CHASING YOU AROUND THIS FORUM: "And yet its you chasing me around the board spamming the same silly shtick over and over. I don't have to "show" anyone what you truly are. You do that perfectly all by yourself......... Spam another repetitive shtick post again. No one needs to assume about your intellect."

How can Jesus and I blatantly proving you wrong in your infamous and embarrassing post in The Free Will-Omniscience Dilemma thread be a silly shtick?  Yes, we understand that you are totally embarrassed about that post, and continue to run away from it in being silent about it, but it still remains. If anyone is to show another in what you truly are, then because of that troublesome post of yours, you remain the number 1 Bible ignorant fool of this forum. It's as simple as that, understood?

First thing, since you were obviously told by your equally Bible ignorant cohorts not to be silent anymore to your greatest faux pas in debasing Christianity post in question, you left a trail of posts to me.  Therefore doing the simple math that you are unable to figure out, I am not following you around this forum, but only addressing the many posts that you directed to me. DUH!  Should I send you a basic Logic 101 book? Huh?

Furthermore, I truly want to thank you for coming to terms once again in your admitting statement to me: "No one needs to assume about your intellect" which deduces to the explicit fact that my expertise and intellect easily owns your Bible idiocy outright!  It is rare indeed for any pseudo-christian like you to admit to this logical fact, well done ethang5!  


ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar

Uh, yes, barring this Landover thingy you keep bringing up to try and save yourself,...

How will you being a member of a church of morons "save" me?"

OMG, once again you are spinning your....
Whose running away now Dee Dee? Dodge much?

Lol. Do yo know why he was banned genius?"

No, I do no why he was banned,...

...and thank you for coming to terms in calling me Genius.
You are welcome. Your genius shows in your ever shtick post where you repeat the same silly phrases over and over. The entire board knows how brilliant you are.

Even your posting from templates is genius. Lol.