I was opposed to Ragnar at the beginning. When he was recruited, he had displayed very little supporting him to be a good person or realiable moderator. Nonetheless, since then it has been apparent that he has put a lot of effort into the moderating of the website and while I still think that bias is a factor in his decisions. It seems that his bias is actually wise now, based strongly on keeping toxic people away from being toxic while letting nicer users have second chances).
Of course, I do not doubt that Virtuoso being Chief Moderator has helped Ragnar to make wise decisions, I do notice something that you can't fake; no user complains about the moderators anymore except for extremely toxic ones. The most I see in the religion forums in a rage is 'omg I have to take time off the website because I was rightfully temp-banned'.
I feel like this website has moderators who do not factor in your popularity into their decisions, but instead factor in your potential for improving your behaviour and willingness to take on board what they say. That is exactly what moderation and even the police IRL are supposed to do and I am very happy this is being done.