THIS IS A MOCK/PARODY/SATIRE. Don’t dm and ask if this serious and then attack me. Also no hate with this at all toward people. This is a COMEDIC POST
Recently, a bunch of oldies from the DDO cult decided to form an exclusive mafia club for people “who treat the game serious.” Now normally I wouldn’t give a fuck, but since I am in quarantine, might as well make this shit post
These DDO oldies need to get with the new wave of mafia. Having funny memes inserted with serious play is the way this site is. You need to adapt to modern times, not isolate yourself. Forcing your COMMUNIST seriousness on DebateArt is unacceptable. Communism is bad! I start waves and this will be one of my biggest waves I start
These boomers are taking the fun out of mafias. I want to give my read and then give a corny just like my lord and savior Vaarka. Vaarka if your watching I just want you to know I’m a better Minecrafter.
This site is for discussing critical views and using your brain, or if your some people, blatantly yell insults at people and expect logical responses back. Sometimes this norm is too serious and we want a break to a relaxing game of mafia. Then they ruin my relaxation by YELLING VIRTUALLY BY TYPING ALL CAPS!!!! IS THIS GETTING THE POINT ACROSS! Now everyone plays too serious and forgets the memes, and if you make a mistake, your sentenced to the dark dungeon of mafia, where I am deeply in and will never escape according to some players *cough cough* TUF
This is our plan. Yet the memes of mafia continue! No more of this WAY TO SERIOUS