STEPHEN'S APROPOS POST OBVIOUSLY REGARDING FAUXLAW: "Unless you have the lungs of a Polynesian pearl diver, do not hold your breath."
Priceless, LOL!
CAPTAINSCEPTIC, YOUR QUOTE TO ME RELATIVE TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGED FAUXLAW: "BrotherDThomas, I have no idea how you made heads or tails of that."
Well, the last time I saw mumbo, jumbo, gumbo wording like what FAUXLAW has brought forth, was when I visited my late uncle Hubert that used to live under the staircase in the back of my Aunt Mildred's farm house in Canandaigua, New York, just before she committed him to the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane, which was a short drive to Ovid New York at the time.
FAUXLAW'S CONVOLUTED QUOTE: "what aere my half-=assed beliefs [you must know wha tthey are to make the claim they're half-assed], and which huge chunk of the Bible am I ignring since I've read all of it in four different languages. Match that, or maybe you're missing the chunks. You're waiting for clarity as if it was a parade?"
I tried to decipher in what it said, firstly, it was something about an "aere" that FAUXLAW had that was a half of something, equaling an "assed" relating to beliefs or something like that. Then using a bracket "[" is maybe a modified letter "C?" The following sentence is gibberish that I truly didn't understand, and reminds me of my Uncle Hubert passing me notes from under the kitchen table that had the same abracadabra wordage to them. Then if you closely read the next sentence, it is something about a "chunk" of the Bible that FAUXLAW was "ignring," assuming that he was proud of in allegedly knowing 4 languages, huh? I would think that FAUXLAW would learn English first before "trying" to learn another language.
Then FAUXLAW follows up by stating "match that," possibly meaning that he wants to show his prowess towards women by being on which is a dating site? Huh? ..... Then FAUXLAW goes on to mention "chunks" again, where this time he might have thrown up at the time of him writing his post? I dunno. Then FAUXLAW finishes with somehow relating "Clarity" with a "Parade?" WTF! This notion is reminiscent of my Uncle Hubert not being too clear on what parade he was watching, where one time he thought the Christmas Parade in town was a Halloween Parade, where he went around grabbing little children to find candy! We settled with the police afterwards. :(
In any event, I hope that FAUXLAW'S jabberwocky post is not a sign from Jesus putting a curse upon him (Genesis 12:3) because of him Satanically trying all the time in rewriting His JUDEO-Christian Bible!