This is more a thought experiment than an actual discussion. People attribute omnipotence to God and say things like. "He cant make a 4 sided triangle." Or. " he cant make a rock he cant lift."
But really, isnt this silly? All he would have to do is change meaning of tri angle. And make himself weaker. We humans can do this. So why cant God?
Consider calvary. Jesus (who was God in flesh) couldnt carry his cross. Now under the idea of omnipotence, this is impossible. But we forget that power to be weak is also a power. We humans can do something similar.
We can lift weights and over time bench 175 lbs. But if we choose to not exercise or eat right for say, 30 years. We would be so weakened that we cant even get up cause we weigh 400+ pounds. Or the opposite, so fragile and weak, we break bones lifting over 45 lbs.