Myself, I want to exist, not die, though hopefully dying is still some far off day.
Other people, my second brother,
Though when I say 'change, it's rather that I hope our persuasion would change him of his own free will, to quit drugs,
If it was 'forced change, I'm not sure I'd be for it,
Barring forced rehab,
But the word 'change is vague, there's change and then there's 'change.
Other people in the world? Important people?
I don't know.
Would changing various leaders 'really change their movements and countries?
Movements sometimes 'bigger than individuals,
Other's easy willing to take up the movement.
. . .
Maybe whatever guy has the most wealth that they aren't sharing,
If I could 'convince, not lobotomize change them, into sharing it,
Be good for people, I suppose.
Not sure It'd be good for the rich guy,
Also doubtful 'I'd want to change.
. .
Hm, maybe convince some rich guy to start up some Communist city or state,
Though again, not that 'I'd live there, probably,
But does 'sound nice, for there to be less inequality,
More time for ease, less work work work.