Puppet President
Eh, he probably has backers, that he has ties to, financial support from, but I don't think I'd quite go as far as him being a puppet.
Still 5 months later, I'm not sure if he disregards Covid19 as dangerous, or discounts the human deaths as incomparable to the economy and his own career.
Maybe a bit of both, best political move would have been 'massive Covid19 response right in the beginning, maybe he's in too deep now to change policy on it.
Been about 9 months since Covid19 been in America I think.
About 328 million people in the USA.
Almost 8 million cases of Covid19,
215 thousand, doesn't 'seem like that many dead to me.
But perhaps my perspective marginalizes the disaster that might have been, might be.
Perhaps marginalizes deaths.