Effective immediately, YYW will no longer be a moderator on the website known as Debate Dot Org. That is all.
Moderation Update
No! Say it ain't so!
are you interested in a moderator here? There may be an opening and you'd certainly make a good judge.
You did not sign your name like an official document like a mod would do. Hence it is not valid
You are not entitled to make such an offer. I also disagree with that offer.
Added: 04.10.20 09:28AM
agreed. Nobody has stated or implied otherwise.
I also disagree with that offer.
Coal's capacity for reasoned and impartial judgement is well established. DART could only benefit from coal's increased participation.
It is not well established at all.
Thank you. Rational Madman has a strange relationship with me. Some days he likes me, while others he invents conspiracy theories about me. Nothing I do really seems to have much of an impact, so I can't be bothered.
I'm not interesting in judging debates. Most of the debates I read are so bad it's not even worth the time it would take to write a three to five sentence RFD, and an RFD that is less than that would likely be removed under so called "moderation standards".
I am indifferent.
The degree to which I am willing to contribute is limited by the amount of what I think is bullshit I have to put up with relative to the value I derive from contributing in any way.
The same applies to posting; when what I post is met with stupidity and nonsense from people who are so illiterate they can't even read a short post; or who are so ideologically possessed that they can't even think outside their own -- vacuous -- limited perspective, I ask myself "what even is the point of my being here?"
If someone specifically wanted me to weigh in on something I might consider that, but otherwise I have other things to be doing. That is why I almost never post here.
>are you interested in a moderator here? There may be an opening and you'd certainly make a good judge.
Likely not. I think that if someone is going to perform free labor, it should be someone who is not me.
I also just don't care what happens here.
I don't know anyone except for the few remaining DDO legacies, and I don't care about most of everyone else.
By the way, if you want to join the DDO facebook group you should PM me.
You come on here for DART memes and be a part of the meme.
than you for the information
I think by now I am a meme of at least DDO.
Fair argument to make. Not as big of a meme as Mharman's trashing of Subutai Mafia Game lol
12 days later
I wonder if Mharman stopped wetting the bed...
Seems like a cool dude now... i was a DDO noob so I don’t know much about it