So anyone out there living pay check to pay check coming close to starving because you have no money yet? How are you paying for food? How are you paying for anything? I notice all the people saying stay home have no financial problems. Easy for them to say.
If you think people can just sit unemployed for months, you are delusional and out of your mind. People are going to start rioting and looting in the next few weeks. And I don't blame them one bit in this case. Those checks the govt mails out Half will go to the healthcare insurance industry to pay back what everyone owes for their employer provided healthcare. Ya, bet no one thinks of that, I have to pay $200.00 a week out of my paycheck for me and my wife. You think employers are just going to eat that? Don't think so. You will most likely owe money when you go back to work if you have been forced out of work.
At some point in the very near future you as an individual will have to decide for yourself if you want to isolate yourself from the rest of the world but you cant demand everyone else do it. The world is, always has been and always will be a dangerous place. You can't expect the entire population to cater to your fears of being alive on planet earth. Humanity lived through measles, mumps, polio, small pox you name it without shutting down. If your time is up, your time is up. That's how it is, always has been and always will be. Decimating the world economy won't ever change that. It will just make it worse on top of all of everything else that you cant prevent from happening. People die. Everyone needs to come to terms with that. Viruses are either man made or it is nature culling the heard. Welcome to reality, but please suffer on your own and don't take me down with you, I have already come to terms with it decades ago.