Some questions for liberals regarding prejudice

Author: dylancatlow


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dylancatlow's avatar
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dylancatlow's avatar
Consider two societies, society A and society B. Society A is 100 percent black and has a very high crime rate. People in the society are suspicious of strangers and generally keep to themselves. No one in the society is offended by this, because everyone understands that people's fear of others is justified, and no one expects to be treated better than they treat others. Now consider society B. Society B is 100 percent Asian, and unlike society A, has almost no crime. Trust among strangers is high, and people are generally willing to help each other out, knowing that others would do the same for them. 

I think most would agree that the level of trust in each of these societies is more or less appropriate to the circumstances. People in society A have a right to treat each other differently than the people in society B, because the level of trust one has in others isn't determined arbitrarily, as though there were a "baseline" level of trust appropriate to all situations, but, if one is rational, is based on statistical assumptions backed up by evidence. 

Now imagine that both of these societies combine into one society, so that blacks and Asians now live together side by side. The black crime rate remains high, or at least higher than the Asian crime rate, and for the first time Asians experience uneasiness around strangers - black strangers, that is. 

My question for liberals is: are the Asians wrong to treat the blacks differently than they treat each other? If so, was it also wrong for members of the all-black society to treat each other in the way they are treated by Asians (and themselves) in the racially mixed society? If not, why was it acceptable then but not acceptable once the races mixed? 
mustardness's avatar
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There is no races to mix.

Welcome to the mutt society aka the mutt race. Just as GrParrot.

It is all-for-one and one-for-all.

Otherwise humanity perishes in 500 - 1000 years.

Those who only want to divide are encouraging the demise of humanity. Go figure and get back to me.

Casual_Leftist's avatar
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Casual_Leftist's avatar
You really like leading inarticulate questions. Your hypothetical questions are worthless without social context to ground them in. Why is there high crime? Why were the races suddenly made to cohabitate? So many details that your hypothetical can't provide. But that's ok, we both know you prefer the hypothetical more than the real world in which we derive real world context to explain why things are the way they are.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
How is the scenario not able to be answered without that information? What difference to your answer would that information make?

My question for liberals is:

I'm as far as one can get from a liberal, but I'll answer anyway.

are the Asians wrong to treat the blacks differently than they treat each other?

If so, was it also wrong for members of the all-black society to treat each others in the way they are treated by Asians (and themselves) in the racially mixed society?

If not, why was it acceptable then but not acceptable once the races mixed? 
It isn't. But political correctness, based on emotion and not logic,  demands it.
ravensjt's avatar
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ravensjt's avatar
How is the scenario not able to be answered without that information? What difference to your answer would that information make?
Because the OP's post is a veiled attempt to reconstruct Societies in America and by making it hypothetical be immune to any charges of racism

Casual_Leftist is right to want to have additional information...

I too, would want to know why Society A is untrustworthy of strangers and why their crime rate is so high..... Crime is often a by product of poverty, Is there  a correlation between their mistrust and their crime rates and/or poverty?

I would also ponder why Society A's crime rate would remain high if they merged with B.

Is A genetically disposed to be criminals or is there another reason for their crime rates? Would merging societies fix their problems or exaborate them?

Has B been "gifted" with opportunities that A has been excluded from?

I would hope you would see the relevance of these questions... Even the shout out for "Liberals" to answer the question leads a Reader to believe that a non-liberal would believe that either:

A. A separation of societies would be a better idea or

B. Mistrust of different Races (specifically Blacks) is justified

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
How is the scenario not able to be answered without that information? What difference to your answer would that information make?

Because the OP's post is a veiled attempt to reconstruct Societies in America and by making it hypothetical be immune to any charges of racism
Really? I didn't get that. On what do you base this charge?

Casual_Leftist is right to want to have additional information...

I too, would want to know why Society A is untrustworthy of strangers and why their crime rate is so high..... Crime is often a by product of poverty, Is there  a correlation between their mistrust and their crime rates and/or poverty?
There may be, but I still fail to see how the answer would change your answer to the question

I would also ponder why Society A's crime rate would remain high if they merged with B.
Is A genetically disposed to be criminals or is there another reason for their crime rates? Would merging societies fix their problems or exaborate them?
Has B been "gifted" with opportunities that A has been excluded from?
I still fail to see how the answers here would change your answer to the question. Can you give me an example?

I would hope you would see the relevance of these questions...
I do, for real life society in general, but not to how they affect the answer you would give in his scenario.

Even the shout out for "Liberals" to answer the question leads a Reader to believe that a non-liberal would believe that either:
A. A separation of societies would be a better idea or
B. Mistrust of different Races (specifically Blacks) is justified
Do you have a previous history with this guy?
ravensjt's avatar
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ravensjt's avatar
Really? I didn't get that. On what do you base this charge?
C',mon Bro....

One Society being violent and exclusive (Blacks)

One Society being crime free and inclusive (Asians)

Either cloaked Racism really is blind to some people or your pulling my leg

There may be, but I still fail to see how the answer would change your answer to the question
Because a society with a lack of opportunities instead of them "being Black" should be their description

I still fail to see how the answers here would change your answer to the question. Can you give me an example?
If A citizens were biologically disposed to be criminals (lack of empathy etc) then that would be relevant

If B exploited A currently or historically then that would be relevant 

If A has been historically disenfranchised(by B), then merging them with B may have unforeseen consequences

I do, for real life society in general, but not to how they affect the answer you would give in his scenario.
I believe this is a passive aggressive scenario based off of real life society

Do you have a previous history with this guy?
Who knows?!?!? lol... I have no idea who is here from DDO and who isn't (save a few) But the passive stereotypes this scenario uses is nothing new.
Castin's avatar
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There is nothing wrong with Society B observing that Society A has a higher crime rate and acting accordingly -- but only if they recognize that Society A has these problems because of environment rather than skin color or racial characteristics. SocB should look at SocA and think "that would be me if I had been born into those circumstances".