We have James Madison, who I revere more than just about any other founding father, to thank for establishing age as a qualifying factor for Congressional and presidential seats. The President was set at minimum 35, which, today, seems awfully young, and is. However, it was, coincidentally, Madison's age when he penned the Constitution. Illusions of grandeur? We'll never know, but a sobering thought: life expectancy in the late 18th century was just 37. our founding fathers gre to much older ages, even in their generation, because they were mostly affluent, well educated, and ate reasonable diets.
In this presidential season, to date, we have three old white guys in competition; an R, a D, and [really] an S. In that regard, In regard to age and relative health, I'm disappointed that Trump appears to favor McDs over a good, lean, healthy lamb crown roast and veggies. Oh well, I love to cook, so, sue me. Maybe I should apply for the WH chef position.