We have all heard the continuous ludicrous, offensive banter from gun lobbyists:
“An armed society is a polite society.”
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
“Gun control doesn’t work because criminals don’t follow the law.”
And of course, the ever-popular and gut-wrenching pea-brained logic, "guns don't kill, people kill".
Anyone with a brain larger than a pea can figure out that it is "people with guns who kill."
It's a bit like religion really.
Some may say that it is Churches that are bigoted and incite hatred.
Others may say that it is people who are bigoted and hateful.
But, if we put the two together, we could have a deadly combination:
Surely, should it not be: "It is people who belong to Churches who are bigoted and hateful."