Ascensionism and Your Soul links to Heaven's Gate suicide

Author: Dr.Franklin


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First ascensionism and your soul is a cult like religion that believes in this:

soul - evolution and development
evolution over lives lived
The first thing is to define what the soul is. The soul is the core of our spirit being. All living things have a soul, or they would not be living. It is through the soul that the force of life flows into the being. There are two types of soul – that which is physical or mortal soul and that which is divine or eholim soul. Mortals have solid forms. Mortals do have a spirit form, it is an integral part of what we are as a whole being. It should not be viewed as 'separate', for such is the life we are – not one or the other in our living, but both at once. Mortals have a physical body, they are 'solid', but this is not to say that eholim are themselves without form. While able to pass through solid objects we ourselves cannot in natural state (while living) they are to themselves and to each other 'solid'. They do have bodies. They have organs, minds and depending on the kind, limbs. The eholim are PEOPLE, just different people. And like mortals they make their choices.
Thus we have two kinds of soul in the universe, if life is defined and divided at it's most basic. Mortals live temporary existences and then when that life is done, the soul travels to the place of all souls, also known as the sacred place of souls, where it judges itself. No-one else judges your soul. Only the soul, with no-one to justify actions to , or excuses to make, when there is nobody to impose 'rules' or dictate what is 'right' or 'wrong', can dispassionately judge the fitness of its own being after the life just lived. Eholim, or 'spirit', can have potentially eternal (but not immortal) lives so their souls judge themselves far less than mortal souls. But when their lives end, they too go to this same place where their souls face the same internal judgement.
how did the first souls come into being? i don't know. as this is the thirteenth universal age, as counted by the eholim, and there was one age before that, i don't think anyone will know for certain. but as is the nature of life itself, all things change. and life itself moves in great cycles. the nature of life, and souls, varies from one age to the next.
only in the soul memory of mickel was there knowing of an earlier age. mickel was a child when the universe closed. the others had lived for as long as they had memory of the universe. but mickel's existence had only just begun. when they 'let go' of their existence they communicated to their youngest that he/she ('it' is the wrong word and i don't have another, but the name was aestra) should continue. and so he (as his soul in the next age became) did.
to best describe the cycle of souls i try to picture a nebula. a soul, having lived its lives, dissipates peacefully and easily. and in the hazy 'cloud' of what was , new stars - new souls - are born. nothing of what that soul was is imprinted on the new birthings, nothing of its great experience. in the fertile womb of the universe, unique, individual, innocent, these newly formed souls are ready to begin their own journey.
how does a soul 'grow'? i think the best analagy i can supply is to think of an onion. each ring represents growth over previous lives, with the outer ring being representative of the ego. i define the ego in this case not as personality, but as the interface - a sponge through which every single experience/sensation/thought/etc is soaked inwards to the soul. this is my spiritual definition, if you will, of 'ego'.
that does not mean that the soul is like an onion, that if you could cut out a slice there would be rings like on a tree. there isn't. the soul is or should be a whole. we are meant to be "whole unto ourselves". it is also undefinable. although we know we have one, there is no literal physical spot in our bodies which we can point to and say 'here is our soul'. however i believe it would be in the centred in our torso, just above the mid section.
when it comes to the age and development of the soul, initially life, like nature itself is random. we do not choose what we want to be born as and given the sheer variety of life in the universe that would not be considered sensient, i think it's safe to assume that not only would we never guarentee living only one type of creature, let alone spend all our lives on one world, that all souls have at least have the same chance at growth and an equal opportunity to develop within themselves. souls grow with experience, experience while living and away from the place of all souls. it might be asked if ghosts' souls still grow even after 'life' has ended. the answer is yes, but that does not mean it is a desirable state of living. i will expand on this further in a later article.
the turnaround is after the 19720th life. it is the approach to this life that souls truly begin to define themselves as far as evolutionary development goes. in the approach to that life, things become less random for some souls, who have developed within them an appreciation for all life and a desire to cultivate that in others in a way which is in harmony with the nature of life itself. that probably isn't the best way to describe it but i hope you will understand what i mean as i continue. there are in fact two alternatives after the 19720th life - there are those that become returns, living for another 19720 lives, and those whose cycle ends after the their 19720th life ends.
a soul that is fit and becomes a returned 'walks' between lives. they choose the circumstances of their birth (eg country/world and general circumstance BUT NOT specific parents or into a wealthy family, but will lose personal fortune at 20yrs or middle class but personally abused from childhood til adulthood or poor family but become rich/inventor/other by 30yrs etc), and their mortal lives between ending and beginning might be as short as a few generations apart. these souls live for another 19720 lives before their natural end. these are the souls which as they dissipate become the stuff from which new souls are born. and this is the moment of enlightenment - when an ancient soul, having judged itself fit at the end of each life, gently disipates within the sacred place of souls, releasing itself to the universe. and so the cycle of life begins anew.
(in tibettan buddhism this moment is called "nirvana". the word nirvana literally means extinguishing or unbinding. and that nirvana is the ultimate goal of the buddhist practitioner. it is only those souls which in buddhist terms walk or seek the path of enlightenment that at the end of their long journey become the stuff from which new souls are born.
there is another form of mortal soul - the messenger. these incredibly rare souls seem to know almost from the beginning of their cycle their chosen path. it's almost as if they becme 'returns' after five or ten lives, or at least very early on in their soul's journey. they are also of the souls which first filled the universe. these unique souls, if they continue to judge themselves fit, will continue to life mortal lifes throughout the universal age. however unlike other mortal souls they never reach the stage that the time between lives is shortened as it can be for returns.
this is an important concept to grasp before continuing. how does a soul judge iteself? it is all about INTENT. the conscious intentions behind any action, be they 'good' or 'evil'. and every single factor in the decision to act is taken into account. was it for personal benefit, in expectation of a reward, or done soley to avoid punishment? and while an act of kindness to enhance social standing or recognition is still something, to have done it without such considerations weighs better. was it to save someone else, to defend self, or just following orders? from the smallest act of kindness to the greatest misdeed, only the soul itself can be a true judge of past acts, of choices made.
the act of charity is a simple, and probably safe, example. philanthropists aren't highly thought of, but why? is it because of their wealth? they don't have to give a cent, much less a certain amount. the simple act (tax concessions or not, because how many of all income brackets take advantage of that?) counts. neither does the 'cause' negate the value of giving. a person tossing a few coins in a charity tin or to a begger amounts to the same. because what compassion moves that person to do so is the same. and it is still a choice made.
what of the non-monetary acts of kindness? the simple act of warning your neighbour it's going to rain because they have washing on the line is not too small to count. but if you take on what is to you a 'noble cause' and in the process someone is hurt, something damaged or destroyed, you are not immune from your own soul's judgement. there is no justification. every choice made counts. nothing, not even how you treat your pets, doesn't count. if you chose to reach out and pet you cat or dog, or chose not to, will be considered in all circumstances.
this belief of the soul judging itself does run though different religions throughout history as well. though to a culture in which belief in 'god' judgement in deeply embedded, it may have been recognised as such. despite the many gods accounted by the ancient egyptians, they still believed that none of them judged whether or not their souls was fit for the next life. their heart/soul was weighed on a scale against the 'feather of truth'.
effects of horticultural practices and cloning
in a multi-cell form of life there is still only one soul. that is to say that a tree, a bird or a human has only on soul within their living form that they were born with. but what happens if through a chance of nature or through artificial means, some part of that whole individual becomes split, and grows separately?

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Heavens gate suicide  says that the people didn't die, they just progressed another level-

It's also linked to the modern day equivalent of ascension

it has connections to this video game-, see the ending and morse code


further reading