Killed In The Night
SupaDudzYou are Steve Rogers! As every MCU movie has shown, nothing can break the brother-like friendship that you have with Bucky Barnes. Because of that, you are a Sibling! You have been paired with ___, who is also a townie Sibling. If one of you dies, the other will as well. You win with town. (you are NOT allowed to PM the other player)
SingularityYou are Bucky Barnes! As every MCU movie has shown, nothing can break the brother-like friendship that you have with Captain America. Because of that, you are a Sibling! You have been paired with ___, who is also a townie Sibling. If one of you dies, the other will as well. You win with town. (you are NOT allowed to PM the other player)
GreyParrotYou are Helmut Zemo. You want revenge after the deaths of your family, but even after you get your goal, you only try to kill yourself. Because of that, you are the Suicidal. You will attempt to kill yourself during NP4, and every NP following it. You win with town.
WaterPhoenixYou are Crossbones! After a crushing defeat by Captain America for the second time, you try to become a literal bomb in an attempt to blow up Captain America. Because of that, you are the Suicide Bomber. At night, you may visit one person and both of you will die that NP.
ILikePie5You are Rhodey! You were from the military, and I'm sleepy. Therefore, you are the role Cop. Every night, you may investigate a player, and you will be told their role.
SupaDudz - Sibling - Town
Singularity - Sibling - Town
GreyParrot - Suicidal - Town
WaterPhoenix - Suicide Bomber - Town
ILikePie5 - Role Cop - Mafia
Living Players
- SirAnonymous
- Ragnar
- Discipulus_Didicit
- drafterman
- oromagi
- Lunatic
- warren42
- Bullish
With 8 players alive, it takes 5 votes to lynch. The DP will end at 8:00 PM EST, 1/28/2020.