I explained this to Lunatic earlier. I was reading the DP after coming home from school. Logically it would’ve been better to wait to CC after I had read everything (Plus I think Bullish was getting annoyed with me posting as I saw stuff,) so I don’t accidentally claim without reason. Low and behold, Lunatic confessed to not being Role Cop, so I was like alright, no need for me to claim cause there is nothing to counterclaim. The reason I did claim was because of the illogical wagon forming on me by drafter because of his policy read. There were 3 people on there and 2 possibly wanting to join the wagon. As a town Role Cop, possibly being the only power role, I had to claim at that point. Bullish to this day has yet to claim...while I’m being wagoned as literally an unCCed investigative role.
But a couple of people hadn't even checked in yet, right? Warren for sure. Maybe one other.
Can I get the post with that earlier explanation to Lunatic?