John the Baptist Part 2 - Doubt.

Author: Stephen


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Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism, 

Now that is just outright lies for the sake of fkn lying.

And you have the fkn nerve!  to tell people here that I am not here for serious debate. How can one expect a serious and real debate when is all YOU ever ever do or can do , when your back is against the wall and you have YET AGAIN painted yourself into a very tight theological corner -  is TELL FKN LIES!!! j

Every single one of those verses mentions baptism and its reasons. Why are you blatantly lying!??  Here try reading them again and then make an appointment with fkn Specsavers, here>>

And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)

“Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “(Acts 2:38)

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.” (Mark 1:4-5)

And he went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Luke 3:3)

You are attempting to bury your own fkn mistakes under a pile of argumentative bullshite in the belief that just because the page is turned no one will go back and look and read your shite and complete and utter  fk ups.

You haven't even attempted to answer a single question which is the norm for you when totally stumped on a subject you proclaim to revere and hold faith in. You know absolutely fk all about these scriptures. You should be ashamed at yourself  for not being able to answer simple questions on your own fkn subject.

It is fkn laughable that you attempt to project yourself as  some kind of authority on theological matters when in truth I have shown you to be  totally lost for words, answers or even good explanations when I pose you a question. 

It seems to me that you have had it easy on this forum where no one has actually challenged you or taxed your  ` brain ` on what knowledge you pretend to have on matters of religion.

I have asked you some questions that have simply left you nothing but impotent and redundant.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
how does that show your attention span to be Stevie??

Much better than yours. it is alert, functioning  and sharper too.

I have had to point out to you many, many times , that your own attention span is not too strong and you have proven me to be correct on many many occasions, such as here - AGAIN below you have produced for me yet another example of your own child-like attention span;

Since Jesus WAS baptized by Jesus, my answer is still "Why would they expect others to perform something they had not underwent themselves?" 
It doesn't matter that John was not baptized, he wanted to be baptized, so my answers are the same. 

Jesus by all accounts was baptised by John the Baptiser  (you even say so yourself). Jesus did not baptise himself now did he?  It was John the baptiser - clues in the title.

Yes, EtrnlVw John the baptizer actually  baptized people, thousands of them INCLUDING JESUS. PAY ATTENTION!!!!!

Mopac's avatar
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Since a lot of your questions pertain to John's authority and such...

Who was St. John the forerunner's father?

St John the baptist was an actual priest in the order of Aaron. 

If we can play a game of you make your list of questions shorter as I answer a couple at a time, I'll consider answering more. 

Stephen's avatar
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Since a lot of your questions pertain to John's authority and such...

Who was St. John the forerunner's father?

I did a whole thread on the subject of the parentage of the Baptist over a year ago. So stop wasting mine and your fkn time. ESPECIALLY MINE!!!!

Now you can either start answering questions here or simply leave the thread. It is not a fkn difficult choice.

 What had caused  John the Baptist, the greatest prophet and "more than a prophet"  to doubt Jesus  in the first place?

 Why would John “need” to be baptised twice.

Who baptised John in the first place

What was the reason behind this particular baptism of Jesus?

And why did Jesus come to Johnfor this anointing?

 What authority did John have to perform such a ritual?
Where, as was asked in the scripture, did John get such authority?

 What qualified John to perform this ritual?

Why didn’t Jesus baptise John the Baptiser after John had said “I need to be baptized by you”? Matthew3:14

Why did the Baptist say   “I NEED to be” Baptised by Jesus?

Why was “the greatest prophet that ever lived” so mistaken and confused as to whom should be baptising whom?
What caused John to believe that Jesus should be baptizing him in the first place?Matthew 3:13

Why John had forbid Jesus to be baptized in the first place?

Why did John ... the baptizer,eventually agree to baptize Jesus  after he had “forbade him” to be, -  that is to say John the Baptist refused to allow, Jesus to be baptized.  So whatever could have caused John to  change of mind? Matthew 3:14 King James Version (KJV)

How did John the Baptist recognise Jesus as “the one to come after him”? John’s gospel at first says:

John1 : 29 “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”.
But he doesn’t tell us how he knew it to be him?

John’s gospel later adds this: John 1 : 32   And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
And at John 1 : 33  John, for some unfathomable reason tells usthat he didn’t even know Jesus. This; after pointing him out as the Lamb of God just three verses earlier at verse 29!?
And then at 34 The Baptist spouts this: “I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One. How did he know”?

What caused John the Baptist to lose his faith and doubt concerning if or not Jesus was indeed the “Chosen one to come”? John was after all,  the “greatest prophet to have ever lived”.

Matthew 11:1-3
“Art thou he that should come,or do we look for another”?
They may as well have started looking for another messiah as this particular “Chosen one” was to go on to fail in his mission whatever one chooses believe that mission was. Besides, there were plenty of Messiahs around in Palestine at the time and all vying for a piece of the action, the choice must have been overwhelming for the illiterate gullible masses.
It also appears that "ALL"  believed or at least questioned if or not the baptist himself was the Messiah!!!

 Luke 3:15 King JamesVersion (KJV)
15 And as the peoplewere in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he werethe Christ, or not

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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YOUR LAME QUOTE AGAIN: "Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism, though every single one spoke of salvation. You are aware of which side of this argument you are on right Dee Dee?"

Yes, that is the whole idea, Jesus to ethang5, hello? You can't admit it, because you have to try and save face within this forum, but it is the Bible that makes it hard on "What side one is on."  The fake pseudo-christian like you can pull out any ambiguous material that they want to erroneously support any side they want, as you have so aptly done in this forum. We have verses stating one needs to be baptized to remove your sins, as shown, then we have verses that just say you will be saved regardless of baptism and the removal of sins.  Salvation and baptism in the total verses shown are 180 degrees apart, and even your Satanic thinking has to admit this, but at your expense once again because you take one side and then scramble to make sense of the contrary. LOL! 

ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR WISHFUL THINKING QUOTES REGARDING YAHWEH/JESUS SAVING WITHOUT REPENTANCE: "Why would we be calling and confessing if we haven't repented? Think Dee Dee. Even you said..."

That’s it? This is the best you can do regarding the question of no repentance is needed in the following passages?!  Once again you are grasping for straws with your ever so wanting quote of  “Why would we be calling and confessing if we haven’t repented” relative to the passages below. You do this insidious act because they contradict your position that once again makes you the bible fool.
Within context, there is absolutely no repentance needed with the following inspired by Jesus passages regarding the saving a Christian, NONE.

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) 

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37)

“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)


Ethang5, oh oh, do you see what I see? Damn, guess what AGAIN? You conveniently forgot to address an embarrassing statement you made again as usual. Therefore, in prayer with Jesus today, He told me to bring forth the statement that you ran away from in the name of Satan in my post #28 in this thread, so here it is again:

REMEMBER YOUR FAUX PAS QUOTE YOU MADE IN POST #2 REFERRING TO THE BROTHER D?: “Our genius thinks baptism is for remission of sins.” Barring the FACT that it is, you didn't have the notion of "repentance" in this quote, but had to now include it in your post #20 to try in vain to dig out of your embarrassing predicament, therefore your stand upon this issue is moot and once again embarrassing for you!  Didn't think we would notice such an error to your followup weak argument in your post in question?  Why do you make it so easy for me and Stephen? LOL!

Care to at least "try" to address it? Yes, I know, you removed one foot to insert the other AGAIN, and wish the above statement would just go away to save yourself even more embarrassment. Should I just add this runaway of yours to a "Plethora" of others that are piling up in my godly files? Huh?


I have all of the runaway posts from you at DEBATEART, and what does this tell the members? Yes, you cannot address them and remain intelligent looking in the aftermath, therefore, you run away from them and hope that I or others don’t bring them up again!  You have a true modus operandi of a Satanic speaking fake pseudo-christian!  Every time that I own you, you should start smelling sulfur in the aftermath, praise Jesus' killing revenge!


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Listen, I truly understand in the way you have to act towards me, and that is because Jesus and I easily own your blatant bible ignorance! 
Therefore, you have to lash out in vain in any chance you can get because you are absolutely no match for the true words of the Bible as it has been shown ad infinitum in discussion with you.  Understood? Yes, you completely understand your non worthy position.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Hey Dee Dee, as you can see, the verses you offered said, "baptism of repentance"."


So is it the repenting or the baptising that washes away sin Dee Dee?

(Our Stephen clone runs away.)

Why don't you geniuses know that dodging questions ruins your entire pretend world?

The verses you offered contradict you.

I'm the one who should make you look ignorant, I can do so without your help.

Why would anyone be calling on and confessing to God if they had not repented? 

Can't you do the silly "True Christian" routine and still answer questions? Are you a one trick pony?

...once again, SORRY! :(
No need to apologize homer. You did well. You showed once again that your posts are empty, and you are ignorant of the subject you are ranting about.

I am traveling in my Salvation Bus towards Nevada to save even more courtesans in their ungodly Houses of Ill Repute.
Use protection. "Real Christians" do not get STD's.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
John the baptizer actually  baptized people,...
The only people who refer to John as "John the baptizer" are Jehovah witnesses.

It would not surprise me one bit if Steven is a JW. The poor reading comprehension and the disjointed logic is typical.

Steven are you a JW or former JW?
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism, 

Now that is just outright lies for the sake of fkn lying. 
I don't know if you're coming unhinged, but that post you answered was addressed to Dee Dee, not you.

Here are the verses he offered.

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) 

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37)

Tell us which one speaks about baptism?

Every single one of those verses mentions  baptism and its reasons. Why are you blatantly lying!?? 
Maybe you think I'm lying because, unlike you, I can read?

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
What is the baptism of repentance?

Is it the repentance or the baptism that saves?

I told you that the bible does not say that baptism saves. You post a verse saying that we must repent to be saved. Where is the problem?

I showed you that Judas was baptized, but was never saved, and the thief on the cross was never baptized, but was saved.

You dodged all of that and spent 3 paragraphs of your lame post ranting about unrelated stupidity.

Your posts don't make sense Pedro. Your questions are based on silly assumptions, and when you are asked for clarifications, you rant like a street-corner lunatic.

Calm down. If your position is so strong, why are you ranting and cursing?

What is your point? That John doubted? So what? All men doubt. The bible says so.

Christians do not need to answer the dumb questions that occur to you because they do not make the invalid assumptions you do. They know those questions come from ignorance.

We also see that you aren't interested in dialogue, you just want to rant, so we treat you accordingly.

If you want to be respected, act respectfully.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism, 

Now that is just outright lies for the sake of fkn lying. 
I don't know if you're coming unhinged, but that post you answered was addressed to Dee Dee, not you.

It was on this thread and it was MORE BLATANT LYING!!!!!.

Here are the verses he offered.

You are LYING AGAIN!!! those verses are there and you are simply LYING AGAIN to disrupt the thread  MY THREAD... AGAIN. You claimed falsely that 

"Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism", 
I have shown you TWICE now that your are simply lying for the sake of LYING and argument and disruption. You have been shown to be wrong AGAIN!!!

Here are those verses that you keep denying have the word "baptism  in them"...... AGAIN!!!

And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)

“Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “(Acts 2:38)

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.” (Mark 1:4-5)

And he went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Luke 3:3)

Steven are you a JW or former JW?

Neither, and it is Stephen, PH, 

Nothing you have posted here has gone anywhere in rebutting my opinion that John and Jesus were rivals. You are even too scared to attempt the questions, Your tag partner has made himself look  a penis and left you all stranded on your lonesome. Never mind eh. Maybe he will be back when you have buried his glaring fk up. But it won't stay buried for long. 

Now stop your unnecessary argumentative behavior and start answering  those questions or simply leave the fkn thread . It is not a hard choice.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Yes, that is the whole idea, Jesus to ethang5, hello? You can't admit it, because you have to try and save face within this forum, 
Since silly comments like this are not arguments, I can dismiss them.

We have verses stating one needs to be baptized to remove your sins, as shown,
You've shown no such verse. Your ignorant assumptions are not scripture.

then we have verses that just say you will be saved regardless of baptism and the removal of sins. 
Untrue again. No verse says this.

Salvation and baptism in the total verses shown are 180 degrees apart, and even your Satanic thinking has to admit this, 
They aren't, except in your confused mind. When I challenged you, you posted verses talking about repentance.

And to prove it conclusively, you dodged the questions to you.

You think salvation and baptism are "180 degrees apart" because you are ignorant. Which is why you dodge questions so that your ignorance doesn't show. You've failed on that front.

"Why would we be calling and confessing if we haven't repented? Think Dee Dee. Even you said..."

That’s it?
No. It's lacking your answer.

This is the best you can do regarding the question of no repentance is needed in the following passages?! 
I cited no verses. You did, and I've asked you why would we be calling and confessing, as the verses you offered say, if we haven't repented?

You are now doing a Stephen obtuse jig around the question. We will wait.

Within context, there is absolutely no repentance needed...
The verses talk about confessing sins DeeDee. The context is repentance. Which is why you can't answer, why would we be calling on Jesus and confessing our sins if we have not repented.

Unrepentant people do not confess their sins in calling the Savior. You really need to think.

Therefore, in prayer with Jesus today, He told me to...
I will send you a smart phone if you promise to record your demo...sorry, your god the next time he talks to you. Deal?

"Our genius thinks baptism is for remission of sins.” 

You're still clueless. And you still cannot present any verses saying that baptism saves.

You can't explain how Judas, who was baptised, was not saved, or how the thief on the cross, who was never baptized, was saved.

You did present verses talking about the "baptism of repentance", but when I asked you what that was, you ran away.

Come on Dee Dee, tell us again how embarrassed I am while I dismember your non-argument and make you run from questions.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
You are LYING AGAIN!!! those verses are there and you are simply LYING AGAIN to disrupt the thread  MY THREAD... AGAIN. You claimed falsely that 

"Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism", 
Look at who that post is addressed to genius. It isn't you, unless you and Dee Dee are the same person. Your IQ's match.

Here are those verses that you keep denying have the word "baptism  in them"...... AGAIN!!!
I did not deny any verses have the word "baptism  in them poor reader. I denied any verse said we are saved by baptism.

Dee Dee then offered some verses that he claimed were supposed to show that baptism saves. None of the verses he offered spoke of baptism. You, in your clueless haze, somehow think that post is to you and you begin foaming at the mouth.

You have offered no verse saying that baptism saves. When you do, you won't need to cackle like a crazy person, I will address it.

Nothing you have posted here has gone anywhere in rebutting my opinion that John and Jesus were rivals.
I couldn't care less about your opinion.

Now stop your unnecessary argumentative behavior and start answering  those questions or simply leave the fkn thread . It is not a hard choice.
If it isn't, why is it so hard for you to answer questions?

I've asked you three times now about the verses you offered that talk about the " baptism of repentance", and each time you've dodged, while buttaching about not having your insipid questions answered.

No one is here for your grilling homer. If you run away from questions, it proves your intent is trollish.

I asked you before. Why do you think anyone will answer your never ending questions when you never answer any?

Grow a spine Abdul. You posted the verses, answer questions put to them.
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Steven are you a JW or former JW?

Then why do you refer to John as only the JW's do? The name John the Baptizer comes from their corrupt NWT translation of the Bible.

If you were never a JW, what were you? Cause we know all militant anti-theists are usetabee "christian" something's.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

"Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism", 

You are LYING AGAIN!!! those verses are there and you are simply LYING AGAIN to disrupt the thread  MY THREAD... AGAIN.

 Look at who that post is addressed to genius. It isn't you,

IRRELEVANT!!!!!!!. It is on this thread. It concerns the subject matter of this thread - MY FKN thread, -  that you are simply seem hell bent on disrupting and derailing simply for the hell of it and that you have no answers. Just leave thread.  I have shown you FOUR FKN times now that you are WRONG.... AGAIN!!!!    

I did not deny any verses have the word "baptism  in them poor reader

MORE FKN LIES AND DENIAL This is you at post 28 >>

"Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism,"

So ffs stop with your persistent lies and denials just for the fkn sake of it. You have been shown to be wrong again and then lying about it AGAIN!!!

I URGE anyone reading here to go to post 17 and read these verses for themselves that ethang 5 denies have the word "baptism" in them.

Post 17 page 1 where you will read in very clear writing the words concerning baptism

And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)

“Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “(Acts 2:38)

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.” (Mark 1:4-5)

And he went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Luke 3:3)

I couldn't care less about your opinion.
 GOOD then leave the fkn thread .It is that simple!!


What had caused  John the Baptist, the greatest prophet and "more than a prophet"  to doubt Jesus  in the first place?

 Why would John “need” to be baptised twice.

Who baptised John in the first place

What was the reason behind this particular baptism of Jesus?

And why did Jesus come to Johnfor this anointing?

 What authority did John have to perform such a ritual?
Where, as was asked in the scripture, did John get such authority?

 What qualified John to perform this ritual?

Why didn’t Jesus baptise John the Baptiser after John had said “I need to be baptized by you”? Matthew3:14

Why did the Baptist say   “I NEED to be” Baptised by Jesus?

Why was “the greatest prophet that ever lived” so mistaken and confused as to whom should be baptising whom?
What caused John to believe that Jesus should be baptizing him in the first place?Matthew 3:13

Why John had forbid Jesus to be baptized in the first place?

Why did John ... the baptizer,eventually agree to baptize Jesus  after he had “forbade him” to be, -  that is to say John the Baptist refused to allow, Jesus to be baptized.  So whatever could have caused John to  change of mind? Matthew 3:14 King James Version (KJV)

How did John the Baptist recognise Jesus as “the one to come after him”? John’s gospel at first says:

John1 : 29 “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”.
But he doesn’t tell us how he knew it to be him?

John’s gospel later adds this: John 1 : 32   And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
And at John 1 : 33  John, for some unfathomable reason tells us that he didn’t even know Jesus. This; after pointing him out as the Lamb of God just three verses earlier at verse 29!?
And then at 34 The Baptist spouts this: “I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One. How did he know”?

What caused John the Baptist to lose his faith and doubt concerning if or not Jesus was indeed the “Chosen one to come”? John was after all,  the “greatest prophet to have ever lived”.

Matthew 11:1-3
“Art thou he that should come,or do we look for another”?
They may as well have started looking for another messiah as this particular “Chosen one” was to go on to fail in his mission whatever one chooses believe that mission was. Besides, there were plenty of Messiahs around in Palestine at the time and all vying for a piece of the action, the choice must have been overwhelming for the illiterate gullible masses.
It also appears that "ALL"  believed or at least questioned if or not the baptist himself was the Messiah!!!

 Luke 3:15 King JamesVersion (KJV)
15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
IRRELEVANT!!!!!!!. It is on this thread. It concerns the subject matter of this thread - MY FKN thread
I was answering another person genius, and the "you" on my post refers to him, not you. Stop being stupid.

I have shown you FOUR FKN times now that you are WRONG.... AGAIN!!!!
The only thing you've shown is that your reading comprehension is pretty poor. You made a mistake and thought my post to Dee Dee was to you. I was not wrong. You were.

Just leave thread. 

"Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism,"

So ffs stop with your persistent lies and denials just for the fkn sake of it
The "you" in my comment above refers to Dee Dee genius. So I could not be referring to your verses. Think homer.

I couldn't care less about your opinion.

 GOOD then leave the fkn thread .It is that simple!!
No. There is no reason for me to obey some crackpot yelling on the net.

I could make 5 separate threads on the questions of mine you've dodged.

Answer questions yourself shaheed. Otherwise your lame questions get tossed.

And stop yelling. Your rants are not why people are here.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
I could make 5 separate threads on the questions of mine you've dodged.

Please, Please, then do it. I would be very interested.  

Look at who that post is addressed to genius.

I did and surprisingly!!!!  I seen that you lied, AGAIN"""" . And regardless of who the post was to, this didn't stop you hounding me concerning a post I directed towards Mopac, now did it, you hypocritical LIAR!!!!.? You even followed me onto another thread because you had taken offence on mopacs behalf. So away with your double standards, your hypocrisy  AND ALL of  your fkn lies. And start answering some questions. 

I did not deny any verses have the word "baptism  in them poor reader.

And now you are lying  AGAIN, about the same thing, AGAIN after it has been pointed outta you FIVE FKN TIMES !!!!!!!!! that you are lying.

This is you at post 28 >>

"Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism,

And here are the verses

And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)

“Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “(Acts 2:38)

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.” (Mark 1:4-5)

And he went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Luke 3:3)

I count four time the mention of the word baptism. I also can see the words " FOR  forgivness of sins". Which something else you insist on denying.


What had caused  John the Baptist, the greatest prophet and "more than a prophet"  to doubt Jesus  in the first place?

 Why would John “need” to be baptised twice.

Who baptised John in the first place

What was the reason behind this particular baptism of Jesus?

And why did Jesus come to Johnfor this anointing?

 What authority did John have to perform such a ritual?
Where, as was asked in the scripture, did John get such authority?

 What qualified John to perform this ritual?

Why didn’t Jesus baptise John the Baptiser after John had said “I need to be baptized by you”? Matthew3:14

Why did the Baptist say   “I NEED to be” Baptised by Jesus?

Why was “the greatest prophet that ever lived” so mistaken and confused as to whom should be baptising whom?
What caused John to believe that Jesus should be baptizing him in the first place?Matthew 3:13

Why John had forbid Jesus to be baptized in the first place?

Why did John ... the baptizer,eventually agree to baptize Jesus  after he had “forbade him” to be, -  that is to say John the Baptist refused to allow, Jesus to be baptized.  So whatever could have caused John to  change of mind? Matthew 3:14 King James Version (KJV)

How did John the Baptist recognise Jesus as “the one to come after him”? John’s gospel at first says:

John1 : 29 “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”.
But he doesn’t tell us how he knew it to be him?

John’s gospel later adds this: John 1 : 32   And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
And at John 1 : 33  John, for some unfathomable reason tells us that he didn’t even know Jesus. This; after pointing him out as the Lamb of God just three verses earlier at verse 29!?
And then at 34 The Baptist spouts this: “I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One. How did he know”?

What caused John the Baptist to lose his faith and doubt concerning if or not Jesus was indeed the “Chosen one to come”? John was after all,  the “greatest prophet to have ever lived”.

Matthew 11:1-3
“Art thou he that should come,or do we look for another”?
They may as well have started looking for another messiah as this particular “Chosen one” was to go on to fail in his mission whatever one chooses believe that mission was. Besides, there were plenty of Messiahs around in Palestine at the time and all vying for a piece of the action, the choice must have been overwhelming for the illiterate gullible masses.
It also appears that "ALL"  believed or at least questioned if or not the baptist himself was the Messiah!!!

 Luke 3:15 King JamesVersion (KJV)
15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not


ethang5's avatar
Debates: 1
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ethang5's avatar
I could make 5 separate threads on the questions of mine you've dodged.

Please, Please, then do it. I would be very interested.  
You would just dodge every question again. No thanks.

And regardless of who the post was to,...
If the post was not addressed to you, then the "you" in the post could not have been talking about you, and therefore I did not lie.

this didn't stop you hounding me concerning a post I directed towards Mopac, now did it,
No. I didn't stupidly think your post to mopac was to me, I just asked you a question about your own comment, which you're still dodging.

"Not a single verse you offered mentioned baptism,"

The "you" there refers to Dee Dee genius. You are free to answer a post not addressed to you, but remember it was not addressed to you. Think goober.

I count four time the mention of the word baptism. I also can see the words " FOR  forgivness of sins". Which something else you insist on denying.
So just the word baptism in a verse makes it about baptism? Your verses said the baptism of repentance. I've asked you what baptism of repentance is four times now, and you keep running away. Why?

No one cares about your lame questions you fraud. If you run away from questions, no one will answer yours.

You get your jollies by posting them, which is why you just dodge questions and post them again. You must think they are bombshells. lol

You keep repeating your ignorant questions, and I will keep showing the Gentle Readers how empty you are.

If you want your questions answered, answer the questions of others. But since you dodge the questions of others, you must not want your questions answered.

I'll play with you. I'll toss you like the lolz magnet you are.
Stephen's avatar
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Posts: 8,821
Stephen's avatar
I could make 5 separate threads on the questions of mine you've dodged.

Please, Please, then do it. I would be very interested.  

Meantime try answering these awkward and embarrassing questions. 


What had caused  John the Baptist, the greatest prophet and "more than a prophet"  to doubt Jesus  in the first place?

 Why would John “need” to be baptised twice.

Who baptised John in the first place

What was the reason behind this particular baptism of Jesus?

And why did Jesus come to John for this anointing?

 What authority did John have to perform such a ritual?
Where, as was asked in the scripture, did John get such authority?

 What qualified John to perform this ritual?

Why didn’t Jesus baptise John the Baptiser after John had said “I need to be baptized by you”? Matthew 3:14

Why did the Baptist say   “I NEED to be” Baptised by Jesus?

Why was “the greatest prophet that ever lived” so mistaken and confused as to whom should be baptising whom?
What caused John to believe that Jesus should be baptizing him in the first place?Matthew 3:13

Why John had forbid Jesus to be baptized in the first place?

Why did John ... the baptizer,eventually agree to baptize Jesus  after he had “forbade him” to be, -  that is to say John the Baptist refused to allow, Jesus to be baptized.  So whatever could have caused John to  change of mind? Matthew 3:14 King James Version (KJV)

How did John the Baptist recognise Jesus as “the one to come after him”? John’s gospel at first says:

John1 : 29 “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”.
But he doesn’t tell us how he knew it to be him?

John’s gospel later adds this: John 1 : 32   And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
And at John 1 : 33  John, for some unfathomable reason tells us that he didn’t even know Jesus. This; after pointing him out as the Lamb of God just three verses earlier at verse 29!?
And then at 34 The Baptist spouts this: “I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One. How did he know”?

What caused John the Baptist to lose his faith and doubt concerning if or not Jesus was indeed the “Chosen one to come”? John was after all,  the “greatest prophet to have ever lived”.

Matthew 11:1-3
“Art thou he that should come,or do we look for another”?
They may as well have started looking for another messiah as this particular “Chosen one” was to go on to fail in his mission whatever one chooses believe that mission was. Besides, there were plenty of Messiahs around in Palestine at the time and all vying for a piece of the action, the choice must have been overwhelming for the illiterate gullible masses.
It also appears that "ALL"  believed or at least questioned if or not the baptist himself was the Messiah!!!

 Luke 3:15 King JamesVersion (KJV)
15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar


This forum and myself are correct, ethang5, you are the most dumbfounded Bible ignorant runaway pseudo-christian on DEBATEART, bar none, even surpassing Dr. Franklin and Mopac!

Let me go real slow for you in chronological order relative to your blatant bible ignorance regarding “Baptism,” ready?


Our genius thinks baptism is for remission of sins.”


Stephen: Some say it also washes away our sins.  So then this raises two more problems…

Ethang5: “Why does what "some say" raise a problem? You claim you don't say it, and the bible certainly doesn't say it, yet you irrationally think it "raises" problems.


Subsequent to you wiping the proverbial egg from your face once again, I showed you where baptism does wash away sins in this post #17:

“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)

“Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. “(Acts 2:38)

John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.” (Mark 1:4-5)

And he went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.” (Luke 3:3)


Because of your newly founded enlightenment that baptism does wash away your sins, whereas before you were embarrassingly oblivious to this biblical axiom, you now saw your biblical errors.  To try and save face again, you use a smoke screen to hide your bible ignorance and state that “repentance” has to be included within the baptism verses that I enlightened you with. Whereas before, you stated overall that baptism did not wash away sins in the first place!  LOL!  Oh my, how embarrassing can you get within this forum? 


“For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:13) 

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)

“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven. (Luke 6:37)

“And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.” (Acts 22:16)

No repentance is needed with the aforementioned inspired by Jesus passages. As usual with the Bible, the pseudo-christian like you has many different contradicting outcomes to to follow at will.


You were all over the map knowing that you had to do something to save face on this topic, so you tried in vain to insidiously bring “repentance” back to the table that was already quashed, you comically stated that my "no repentance verses" didn’t mention baptism where you lost the context of my post #25 altogether, and as usual, you mentioned some other frivolous statements that didn’t address the topic at hand, but rather ran away from it.

Listen, I don’t blame you for at least “trying” to run away from the ever so revealing facts above that show you to be totally inept relative to the bible. It’s like you didn’t think that anyone could figure this out, hopefully thinking that others are as dumbfounded as you are relative to the Bible. 

Maybe you need a rest from DEBATEART, because why take this continued Bible Slapping from me and others because you just don’t know the bible as well as you think you do.

You are excused to go lick your wounds once again. :(



EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
how does that show your attention span to be Stevie??

Much better than yours. it is alert, functioning  and sharper too.

Jesus by all accounts was baptised by John the Baptiser  (you even say so yourself). Jesus did not baptise himself now did he? 

Lol, really?.....and did you read post #11? nice attention span there buddy, I corrected myself it was a mistype. Try again. 

"Excuse me correction....Since Jesus WAS baptized by John...."

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

Because of your newly founded enlightenment that baptism does wash away your sins, whereas before you were embarrassingly oblivious to this biblical axiom, you now saw your biblical errors.  To try and save face again, you use a smoke screen to hide your bible ignorance and state that “repentance” has to be included within the baptism verses that I enlightened you with. Whereas before, you stated overall that baptism did not wash away sins in the first place!  LOL!  Oh my, how embarrassing can you get within this forum? 

Yes straw clutching and goalpost moving at it best Brother.

Maybe you need a rest from DEBATEART, because why take this continued Bible Slapping from me and others because you just don’t know the bible as well as you think you do. You are excused to go lick your wounds once again. :(

 He has just returned from a well earned  rest Brother, but it appears it didn't do him any good at all. Not long before his rest he was having his praises sung from the highest of temple.   .

Only to be knocked down by his own arrogance ego and compulsive lies. Post 18

Date: 12/23/2019
Moderator: Joint-moderator decision

ethang5 has been banned for 14-days for a continuous pattern of violations of the personal attacks section of the COC, with hate speech serving as an aggravating factor.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Why are you doing a play by play and interpreting my responses? If your argument was strong you would not need to "report" for me.

You said the bible says baptism, like the baptism of John, saves.
I disagreed and asked you for supporting verses.
You posted verses about a different baptism, the baptism of repentance.
I tell you that isn't the same as the baptism of John and ask for an explanation of the baptism of repentance.
You run away.
I press you, and you claim you answered elsewhere.

No one cares about your ministry, egg on anyone's face, or god talking to you.

Just answer the question. Don't dodge with a link or some blather about how wonderful you think you are.

What is the baptism of repentance?

You posted the verses. Could it be that you posted them ignorantly?
ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Isn't it amazing that in a wall-o-text post by you purporting to answer my post, there is not a single quote of mine?

You post your lame paraphrases, post Dee Dee's lame paraphrases, but never me.

You also dodge all the questions put to you and proclaim yourself champeen. Lol

And after all that nonsense, the questions still sit there accusing you of being a fraud.

Where does the bible say that john's baptism saves? And don't offer verses talking about the baptism of repentance if you will dodge questions about it.

Just address the question homer. Or admit you haven't a clue.
Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

 I corrected myself it was a mistype. Try again. 

I agree it was obviously a schoolboy mistake for you to make.  But it was clearly your attention span that I had brought into question.  And your silly school boy mistake clearly proved my point that you didn't posses an attention span of any duration.

After I had criticized your attention span, this is what followed:

how does that show your attention span to be Stevie??

Much better than yours. it is alert, functioning  and sharper too.

I have had to point out to you many, many times , that your own attention span is not too strong and you have proven me to be correct on many many occasions, such as here - AGAIN below you have produced for me yet another example of your own child-like attention span;

Since Jesus WAS baptized by Jesus, my answer is still "Why would they expect others to perform something they had not underwent themselves?" 
It doesn't matter that John was not baptized, he wanted to be baptized, so my answers are the same. 

Jesus by all accounts was baptised by John the Baptiser  (you even say so yourself). Jesus did not baptise himself now did he?  It was John the baptiser - clues in the title.

Yes, EtrnlVw John the baptizer actually  baptized people, thousands of them INCLUDING JESUS. PAY ATTENTION!!!!!


So now I appear to have your attention. I will take advantage and  ask you to tackle these little posers. Plaes take your time I wouldn't want you to have to keep correcting yourself AGAIN it only clutters up my thread.


What had caused  John the Baptist, the greatest prophet and "more than a prophet"  to doubt Jesus  in the first place?

 Why would John “need” to be baptised twice.

Who baptised John in the first place

What was the reason behind this particular baptism of Jesus?

And why did Jesus come to John for this anointing?

 What authority did John have to perform such a ritual?
Where, as was asked in the scripture, did John get such authority?

 What qualified John to perform this ritual?

Why didn’t Jesus baptise John the Baptiser after John had said “I need to be baptized by you”? Matthew 3:14

Why did the Baptist say   “I NEED to be” Baptised by Jesus?

Why was “the greatest prophet that ever lived” so mistaken and confused as to whom should be baptising whom?
What caused John to believe that Jesus should be baptizing him in the first place?Matthew 3:13

Why John had forbid Jesus to be baptized in the first place?

Why did John ... the baptizer,eventually agree to baptize Jesus  after he had “forbade him” to be, -  that is to say John the Baptist refused to allow, Jesus to be baptized.  So whatever could have caused John to  change of mind? Matthew 3:14 King James Version (KJV)

How did John the Baptist recognise Jesus as “the one to come after him”? John’s gospel at first says:

John1 : 29 “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”.
But he doesn’t tell us how he knew it to be him?

John’s gospel later adds this: John 1 : 32   And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
And at John 1 : 33  John, for some unfathomable reason tells us that he didn’t even know Jesus. This; after pointing him out as the Lamb of God just three verses earlier at verse 29!?
And then at 34 The Baptist spouts this: “I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One. How did he know”?

What caused John the Baptist to lose his faith and doubt concerning if or not Jesus was indeed the “Chosen one to come”? John was after all,  the “greatest prophet to have ever lived”.

Matthew 11:1-3
“Art thou he that should come,or do we look for another”?
They may as well have started looking for another messiah as this particular “Chosen one” was to go on to fail in his mission whatever one chooses believe that mission was. Besides, there were plenty of Messiahs around in Palestine at the time and all vying for a piece of the action, the choice must have been overwhelming for the illiterate gullible masses.
It also appears that "ALL"  believed or at least questioned if or not the baptist himself was the Messiah!!!

 Luke 3:15 King JamesVersion (KJV)
15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not


Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

your lame paraphrases
So you keep saying . I am still waiting for you to start these  threads that you have been threatening to create. Is all we have had is  Emperors new clothes, so far.

I could make 5 separate threads on the questions of mine you've dodged.
Please, Please, then do it. I would be very interested.  

Meantime try answering these awkward and embarrassing questions. 


What had caused  John the Baptist, the greatest prophet and "more than a prophet"  to doubt Jesus  in the first place?

 Why would John “need” to be baptised twice.

Who baptised John in the first place

What was the reason behind this particular baptism of Jesus?

And why did Jesus come to John for this anointing?

 What authority did John have to perform such a ritual?
Where, as was asked in the scripture, did John get such authority?

 What qualified John to perform this ritual?

Why didn’t Jesus baptise John the Baptiser after John had said “I need to be baptized by you”? Matthew 3:14

Why did the Baptist say   “I NEED to be” Baptised by Jesus?

Why was “the greatest prophet that ever lived” so mistaken and confused as to whom should be baptising whom?
What caused John to believe that Jesus should be baptizing him in the first place?Matthew 3:13

Why John had forbid Jesus to be baptized in the first place?

Why did John ... the baptizer,eventually agree to baptize Jesus  after he had “forbade him” to be, -  that is to say John the Baptist refused to allow, Jesus to be baptized.  So whatever could have caused John to  change of mind? Matthew 3:14 King James Version (KJV)

How did John the Baptist recognise Jesus as “the one to come after him”? John’s gospel at first says:

John1 : 29 “The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith,Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world”.
But he doesn’t tell us how he knew it to be him?

John’s gospel later adds this: John 1 : 32   And John bare record, saying, I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.
And at John 1 : 33  John, for some unfathomable reason tells us that he didn’t even know Jesus. This; after pointing him out as the Lamb of God just three verses earlier at verse 29!?
And then at 34 The Baptist spouts this: “I have seen and I testify that this is God’s Chosen One. How did he know”?

What caused John the Baptist to lose his faith and doubt concerning if or not Jesus was indeed the “Chosen one to come”? John was after all,  the “greatest prophet to have ever lived”.

Matthew 11:1-3
“Art thou he that should come,or do we look for another”?
They may as well have started looking for another messiah as this particular “Chosen one” was to go on to fail in his mission whatever one chooses believe that mission was. Besides, there were plenty of Messiahs around in Palestine at the time and all vying for a piece of the action, the choice must have been overwhelming for the illiterate gullible masses.
It also appears that "ALL"  believed or at least questioned if or not the baptist himself was the Messiah!!!

 Luke 3:15 King JamesVersion (KJV)
15 And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not

BrotherDThomas's avatar
Debates: 2
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

ethang5, the perpetual RUNAWAY,

Addressing your embarrassing post # 52,

YOUR EMBARRASSING QUOTE: "Why are you doing a play by play and interpreting my responses? If your argument was strong you would not need to "report" for me."

First thing, there was no "interpretation" of your very Bible ignorant statements, when you read them, there is no other response than what was shown. You were oblivious of what the scriptures actually said in relation to your outright Bible ignorance upon Baptism, hence more egg upon your face! LOL I am truly sorry that I had to expose your Biblical ignorance, really!

YOUR BLINDED BY SATAN QUOTE: "I press you, and you claim you answered elsewhere."

Yes, I did answer elsewhere in another post, and I am not to be held responsible for your lack of seeing it, whereas I gave you the link in question where I already addressed your concern.

Here is the main website for Lenscrafters eye glasses. I suggest you type in the city that you are conducting your Satanic Devil Speak in, and acquire a pair of glasses to be able to see how you are easily being made the Bible fool on DebateArt. You can thank me later.


YOUR COMICAL QUOTE: "No one cares about your ministry, egg on anyone's face, or god talking to you."

Obviously you do since you always try in vain to refute my posts.

YOUR REPETITION QUOTE #2: "Just answer the question. Don't dodge with a link or some blather about how wonderful you think you are."

See "Blinded by Satan" post above.

 YOUR REPETITION QUOTE #3: "What is the baptism of repentance?"

See "Blinded by Satan" post above.

YOUR REPETITION QUOTE #4: "You posted the verses. Could it be that you posted them ignorantly?"

See "Blinded by Satan" post above.

Ethang5, the perpetual RUNAWAY, not only do you need eyeglasses because I have already answered your main question, but you also need a Medical Nail Technician post haste because your finger nails must be bloodied beyond recognition for the straws that you have tried in vain to grasp!!!  Please remedy these two health situations first, and then come back and reread my posts to see that you are chasing a black cat in a dark room, okay?


Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar

I agree it was obviously a schoolboy mistake for you to make.  But it was clearly your attention span that I had brought into question. 
So in other words you feel like an idiot because.

Not at all. You see, again  you are not paying attention AGAIN, are you?  Or didn't I explain clear enough for you? 

I'll try once more. Try and stay alert  and put away anything shiny in your room that may distract you , it will only take a moment.

AFTER I brought into question your attention span telling you yet again that it has a very very short duration.  

You went on to prove me absolutely correct with this silly school boy mistake below which clearly proved my point. 

EtrnlVw wrote;  Since Jesus WAS baptized by Jesus, my answer is still "Why would they expect others to perform something they had not underwent themselves?" 
It doesn't matter that John was not baptized, he wanted to be baptized, so my answers are the same. 
Now then. I did notice that you did correct dumb schoolboy error some time after, but your correction sadly couldn't correct your original silly schoolboy mistake that showed your attentions span to be extremely poor.  

Now then. I have noticed there are far too many questions for you to cope with above, so why don't we try just 2 or 3 at  a time and hope you can stay alert long enough to read them.

Why would John “need” to be baptised twice?

Who baptised John in the first place?

Why didn’t Jesus baptise John the Baptist after John had said “I need to be baptized by you”? Matthew 3:14

Take your time, and remember , it may help to remove or cover anything shiny or reflective in your bedroom that will distract you.

Stephen's avatar
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Stephen's avatar
Like I have said, your attention to detail will be your down fall. 

You have posted a PRIVATE MAIL on the open  forum at post 57 above, it is STRICTLY PROHIBITED!!!!

PM Doxxing
Posting the contents, in part or in whole, of a user's or user's private messages (PMs) in a public venue without the consent of all parties to the PM is strictly prohibited, and constitutes PM doxxing.

ethang5's avatar
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ethang5's avatar
Is our genius spamming your PM too? He's also sending me childish stupidity! Can you believe a person so riled online that he harasses strangers via private messages?

Can you imagine if someone this unstable knew how to find you? Creepy.

Don't reply him, he's looking for a way to report you. Just send his mail on the Virt or Ragnar.

I really hope you've given him no information by which he can find you IRL.
EtrnlVw's avatar
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EtrnlVw's avatar
Is our genius spamming your PM too? He's also sending me childish stupidity! Can you believe a person so riled online that he harasses strangers via private messages?

Yep sure is, I hurt his pride after all the fuss he made about my mistype not knowing I had already corrected myself lol. Then sends me a nasty PM lol.

Can you imagine if someone this unstable knew how to find you? Creepy.

Don't reply him, he's looking for a way to report you. Just send his mail on the Virt or Ragnar.

I really hope you've given him no information by which he can find you IRL.

I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt more than they deserve. Lets hope he just got his feelings hurt temporarily due to missing my correction.