Well this line of reasoning doesn't really invoke the universe or any cosmology, no less the reason why it exists. I wasn't claiming the universe has a beginning like the Kalam argument states, just that, unless you have a being who is necessarily existent, nothing at all could exist.
And I say being for a very specific reason.
The non borrowing exister has effects that started a chain of borrowing existers. To illustrate:
NBE= non borrowing exister=necessary entity of some sort (we haven't gotten to person yet)
BE= borrowing exister, contingent things like you and me.
At one point it was
NBE alone because a necessary entity is eternal, contingent things are not eternal.
So we have:
At some point, since other things exist, we went from that to:
NBE+BE+BE+BE.... So on and so on. Starting the causal chain.
There's a conundrum though. If NBE is eternal, and the effects of NBE are non eternal contingent things like you and me, how come the effect of the cause wasn't there with NBE from eternity? If the effect of cold temperature is frozen water, eternal cold temperature in eternity past means eternally frozen water in the eternal past.
The cause is eternal so must the effect be. The problem is we already saw an eternal/infinite chain can't happen. So the effects of the NBE were not always with it, extending infinitely into the past.
So this only leaves two viable options. Either the NBE is not eternal, which would be absurd, because then it wouldn't be a NBE, it would be contingent on a previous entity, getting us back to square one. OR, the NBE is eternal, but the only reason it's effects were not eternally there with him is because it chose to bring them about at some point.
To summarize, if NBE had no volition, and it was the efficient cause of all contingent things, then the effects of NBE would have always been there with it. That's a problem though because we can't have an eternal causal chain like we saw before.
The only reasonable explanation then is that the effects were not there with the cause from the beginning because the NBE, at some point, chose to bring other things into existence. A being that makes a choice has a will.
Therefore whatever terminates the chain at the beginning of all things is a consciousness.