Currently, we have 12 players:
- SirAnonymous
- SupaDudz
- WaterPhoenix
- ILikePie5
- Cassandra (a friend)
- That1User
- ResurgetExFavilla
- Swagnarok
- Leaning (DDO)
- adam29 (idk where he's from)
- Eddie Spaghetti (idk where he's from)
- Mopac
Sadly, Press and Virt has had to leave the list.
Our plans were designed for 14! Come on everybody!
And sorry this is a bit intrusive. I already asked a ton of people, and now others are going through the list to ask everybody, and I did not expect for us to do that twice. But anyway, now that the date has been moved to Wednesday, 01/22/2020, are any two other players able to play? It'll end on 02/16/2020 (the 4th Sunday of the game).
Me and Speed put some good effort into this, and we have some fun (and unique, never-before-seen) challenges! But I also don't want to force it, don't play unless you're sure you'll put your time into it as much as you would normally and have fun. You can also just watch if you want.
Here's the link to the Discord again:
EDITED: Changed Start Date from "01/16/2020" (I accidentally wrote today's date) to the correct start date.