He’s not even American, no use arguing with him. He’s entitled to his opinion, but he can’t legally act on it.
Will you fix it by voting for a numpty that thinks suggesting to a World audience that the consumption of household disinfectant might be a solution to the coronavirus problem, is what it takes to be a President.Yep you probably will.
Though on reflection and in comparison to a lot of his forebears. he hasn't made any notable World affecting cock-up decisions.
i suppose that we should be grateful for Melania and also that he doesn't have a sister like Kim Yo-jong.
As they say....Behind every good man.
2. He did not say consumption of household disinfectant might be a solution to the coronavirus.
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?
"So it'd be interesting to check that."
Yep, will be another fun packed and amusing 4 years.
And apologies, I didn't realise you were deaf.....
If you could hear some of the dumb ass stuff that Donald comes out with you would be in stitches also.
I was asking a sarcastic, & a very sarcastic question, to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. But it does kill it.
Trump's statements around injections referred to something in general that could "knock out the virus inside the body"
Trump's later quote seems to show that disinfectants on the inside was the correct interpretation.
He desperately wants people to be well.
So why did he backtrack over his statements and label them as sarcasm if this was his intent?
So he holds a rally in the midst of a pandemic and refuses wear a mask?
Because Trump knows nothing he could say, and I do mean absolutely nothing, would satisfy the fake news media. He was again trolling you. We who aren't suffering under TDS know this, and we are greatly entertained. He didn't backtrack. What he said meshed with my first answer to you. You think he "backtracked" because you think your interpretation was correct. It wasn't. So, yes, his statement was not what YOU thought he first said, but he can only back tract from his position, not from the one YOU THOUGHT was his position.
Where is your righteous indignation when BLM comes out end mass during demonstrations? How many people get close to Trump at rallies? Notice now that its the young getting infected? But as always, your laser-like focus is on one guy not wearing a mask, as you ignore thousands roaming the streets "in the midst of a pandemic," and now causing infection rates to spike.
And again, Trump is not a progressive liberal. He doesn't want to force everyone else into his political opinion. But you do. Don't you guys ever tire of being outraged over everything? How are you able to sustain such a constantly high level of petty outrage?
So in otherwords, you've made up what you think his intentions are, and then you've made up what you think his clarification towards his intentions are?
Why not just accept words as they appear?
It must be difficult in life to treat everything with such hostile scrutiny.
I was only pointing out that your assertion that trump "desperately wants people to be well" is obviously false without any additional qualifiers.
I was always under the assumption that trump supporters looked towards his actions rather than his rhetoric. To what do you base your support on when you apparently ignore both?
I think you're confusing discourse with forcing people into political opinions.
No. You do that. I just take what he says.
I do. Your TDS makes you see what's not there.
Do the BLM demonstrators want people to be well?
The only thing you're always under is TDS. Here, you will dodge, but it will still cause you some cognitive dissonance. Post the sentence where Trump said we should ingest disinfectants. See? You can't do it, and yet, you think it. I bet you're easily hypnotizable.
Is that discourse or trying to force people into your political opinions? Are laws against " hate speech" discourse? Is forcing us to pay for your abortion discourse?
...obviously it's nicer if you're honest that you do it.
It's really just the intellectual dishonesty.
What does this have to do with the assertion that trump "desperately wants people to be well"?
Perhaps post the post where I made the claim that he did.
I've made none of those claims or have stated none of those positions.
Yes. The conservative is always lying. Only you can never show his lie, and when he asks you pointed questions, you dodge answering. One of us is being dishonest true.
Yet I can and have answered all your questions and you've dodged answering mine. Ducking questions is a classic sign of dishonesty. But I will still beat you, even if you run away from my questions.Do the BLM demonstrators want people to be well?
I want to show your hypocritical dishonesty. Do you condemn BLM demonstrators for the same behavior you're condemning Trump for? No, you don't. So you had to dodge that question. But the Gentle Reader sees you dodge. That is all I need.
I saw your loony interpretation, I did not see Trump say it. Which is why you dodge again.
In other threads you have. You are a blazing liberal. Even now, you can't deny any of those positions. And again, you dodged every question.
In your case, you've directly lied and dodged the same question for several posts now. This indicates that you are dishonest.
Does trump "desperately want people be well" given his callous approach to Covid-19?
I would call you a hypocrite....
...but you would obviously already know this given that you are a master of detecting hypocritical behaviour.
In other words, I did not say it.
Nice copout. Or in other words, I have not and you cannot provide evidence against it.
First, you have answered none of my questions. I have told no lies, unless you believe lies are whatever contradicts you. Like all liberals, you are a hypocrite. You will ignore thousands of libtards roaming the streets and then have a cow over Trump not wearing a mast at a rally.
My answer was, "Trump desperately want people to be well." You add in your personal opinion of a "callous approach to Covid-19" and then pretend your opinion is fact. Trumps approach has not been callous. Your TDS is what makes you confuse your opinion for fact.
You could not. Trump did not sat anyone should ingest disinfectants, and you cannot post where he said so. The post where you made that false claim has your loony interpretation yes, but it doesn't contain any comment from Trump saying people should ingest disinfectants. So did not say it, yet you claimed it. That, my morality challenged friend, is commonly referred to as a lie.
You have not what? You called yourself a liberal, does that not mean you subscribe to the touchstone positions of liberalism? Words mean things slick.
Whataboutism isn't a valid line of questioning and is summarily dismissed. If
In other-words you have once again dodged the question.
If you are confused about what I claimed, my claim is only a page back.
Where did I call myself a liberal?
Your hypocrisy leaves you no option.
Give me facts, not opinions.
Please put the paddles back when you are through back-paddling.
Hitler never called himself an anti-semite either. But his beliefs and behavior betrayed him.
Trump does not wear a mask and held a rally.
Your opinions are not facts.
I do not give a whit for your fantastical suppositions.
That is not in contention Cletus. What is not a fact is your opinion you form from this fact that Trump doesn't care for people. When challenged to support your hypocritical reasoning with a much worse, but similar example of liberals not observing social distancing and holding demonstrations, you ran away like a scared little girl. I want facts without your tired hypocrisy tied to them.
Check his writings and speeches, they are freely available on the net. Hitler never called himself an anti-semite. That is a fact. He was judged an anti-semite by his beliefs and behavior. Just as I can read your posts to discern your beliefs and behavior. You, my reality challenged friend, are a liberal with a terminal case of TDS.
That you're a liberal is not fantastical. And I don't care one whit for what you don't give a whit about. Calling the truth "supposition" does not change it at all. Truth is stubborn that way.
Again you dodge.
I answered you. Saying I dodge means nothing. Everyone reading knows I did. Everyone not suffering from TDS anyway.
You keep telling your opinions as if they matter. Trump cares about Americans. That is why he won. The voters could see that no one else did because all of them were pushing political correct hypocrisy.
No one's reading this steaming turd of an exchange.
Most influential person in the country refusing to be a role model for wearing a mask for no reason other than vanity
Holding a demostration in a pandemic despite the known risks of transmission
Leader of the nation with the worst pandemic response among 1st world nations, accounting for nearly 20% of total covid-19 deaths worldwide despite being the richest country on the planet.
Yep. He certainly cares about Americans.
Speak for yourself. I get readers. If you ever have a dead thread, call me and my presence will bring readers. The trick is to be entertaining instead of snooty.
It is your TDS that makes you believe you know his reason.
Corrected that for ya hypo.
Again, your TDS influenced opinion.
Notice that republican governors have done better?
Ah yes. Delusion. No surprise there.
Must be ethang5
Absolutely everything in that statement was factual.
Tut tut. Delusions again.
Traffic to a thread cannot be delusion jedthro. Take my suggestion about snootiness.
No amount of your butthurt will change reality.
The "worst pandemic response" was subjective. But we already know you confuse your opinion with facts.
Look at a map of red and blue states, and then look a map of the states with the worse covid-19 cases. Oops! See chester, delusions can't change reality.