It has taken some time - decades in fact- for just one world leader to recognize Christian persecution around the world.
Boris Johnson vows to defend persecuted Christians around the world .
"Boris Johnson has vowed to defend persecuted Christians around the world and their 'right to practise their faith'.
In his first Christmas message as Prime Minister, Mr Johnson said he wanted to remember those who were unable to celebrate the festival publicly or were jailed because of their religious beliefs.
He said his Government would 'stand in solidarity' with Christians everywhere".
In his first Christmas message as Prime Minister, Mr Johnson said he wanted to remember those who were unable to celebrate the festival publicly or were jailed because of their religious beliefs.
He said his Government would 'stand in solidarity' with Christians everywhere".
Since 11 September 2001 our world leaders have pulled out all the stops to convince us that "Islam is a religion of peace". Even the Sri Lanka terrorist bombing carried out by Muslim fanatics butchering over 290 Christian worshipers couldn't bring our world leaders to say the word ' Christian" but instead chose the term "Easter worshipers" there by once again showing their cowardice and spinelessness in the face of Islam while Christian slaughter and murder are now at "genocide levels".
Well done Boris Johnson British MP.