My old one broke and I need a new one.
Watch recommendations?
How much $ you want to spend?
Around or under $20
Rolex... best CHEAP brand 'round these parts
In this day and age, a watch is purely a gimmick. Your phone tells you the time.
8 days later
Gimmick: A trick or device intended to attract attention.
Therefore, I would suggest that a phone is more of a gimmick.
Nonetheless, for acquiring quick time updates, I personally find that a wrist watch is the more functionally efficient device.
A phone is not a gimmick LOL it has far more practical application than an overpriced Rolex-esque Watch.
It depends how much you are addicted to devices I suppose.
It sounds like the designers and marketeers have got you hooked.
And only a numpty with to much dosh would buy a Rolex.
Just like the numpties that keep lashing out on the latest devices.