DDO became a casualty of its own weight. It was simple at first where you had debates, forums, and thats it..... Then the opinions section was added, which brought in more user traffic, but only the kind that liked to spout their own opinion then walk off, rather then actually discuss anything.... Then the polls section was added, bringing in more of the same type of traffic that overall wasn't very beneficial to the site...... Now both the opinions section and the polls section are wastelands, so it all was a wasted effort.
That effort could have been used to fix the forfeit glitch in debates. Debate participation was already down because older members lost the debating bug, while others were dissuaded from debating due to concerns over not getting enough votes. Then when the forfeit bug kicked in, where now even forfeited debates would not result in a win because it wouldn't result in ever ending, it killed off any ability to debate, or for people to follow good debates.
Spamming in the forums wasn't much of an issue. It was there, it would be deleted, or just relegated to forums nobody used anyways. It usually was just one spam account, posting two or three times, before falling silent. Then it became multiple spambots positing multiple spam threads. This went on for YEARS before the mega spam attacks from last month came, inundating the site. When it looks like the worst is over, it will only come back again after a few days, as we've seen at this point.
DDO is gone. It had its time in the sun, but due to bad prioritization and mismanagement, it has dwindled to the sad state it is today. Why anybody would stay there and not transition to over here is beyond me.