The Meaning of Life is the Search for the Meaning of Life
Meaning of Life
It might be to realize: if god and satan are antithetical (ie. opposites) and satan requires belief to confuse evil with good, how could god also require belief to reconcile them?
Just kidding: it is to obsessively worship a (man-made) book, a (dead) man, and believe to know good/evil, all while believing one is themselves not an ignorant idol worshiper spilling blood and pathologically blaming everyone else for it.
Humans impose meaning in the universe. Without living organic brains there is no reason to think that there would be any meaning.
Wchic is searching for it
THis is not the religion forum, go back there
You may subjectively decide to impose whatever meaning you would like. That does not mean we share said purpose.
I agree, the meaning is the search, Doesnt mean is has to be the same
The meaning of life is loving everyone
Did you search for that meaning
The search for meaning is not the meaning... unless you subjectively decide to make that the meaning for you. Your purpose could just as easily be collecting stamps. The point is that there is no meaning unless some conscious being decides to make one up.
No, that's my opinion
Well thats a fucking stupid meaning of life, thats not even a meaning
But humans are designed for LOOKING FOR The meaning
No, it isn't
Love is a symbol of reproduction and offspring to produce more humans into the world based on the affection of other people. You're goal is to find someone where you can share affection to. This can be applied to friends, but not in a sexual way, filli in greek, for friendship love.
Love is a symbol of reproduction and offspring to produce more humans into the world based on the affection of other people. You're goal is to find someone where you can share affection to. This can be applied to friends, but not in a sexual way, filli in greek, for friendship love.
You love a god, agape
Your love of a parson, sagapo
Loving yourself, philutia
There is no sufficient evidence to support the idea that humans are designed at all. Unless you can somehow demonstrate this your claim is nonsensical.
Ok thank you
I meant in their dna and shit
Their DNA and shit would likewise not appear to be designed.
Ok what I mean as "designed" is the DNA the INSTRUCTIONS are made by human nature,(my belief by God, but lets not make this a religion thing if we dont have to) morphed DNA like that
DNA is not information as you seem to be implying.
What is it then???
A chemical sequence. A protein strand.
and what does it do?
It self replicates.
But its still useless, right
Useful/useless is a subjective term. A thing can only be useful/useless in relationship to a particular goal. Since neither life nor the universe would seem to have any set goals this is a nonsequiter.
No its not a subjective TERM, WHAT IS ITS USE???
Please review my earlier comments. Usefulness can only be measured in relation to a particular goal. DNA, life and indeed the universe have no intrinsic goals.
No goals,HMMMM
I was unaware that I developed a stutter or that it translated to this medium. Allow me to reiterate. The universe does not appear to have an intrinsic goal.