Petroleum Blues
The blood in my veins,
Leaves a nasty stain,
When i blow my nose,
The company knows,
Im a macho man.
I breath carbon soot,
I eat uranium dust,
When i fart,
Atoms split apart,
I'm a macho man.
I drank lots of gas in my gas station days,
Petroleum makes a kind of beautiful haze,
Some people want, to leave it in the ground,
Don't they know, it makes the world go round,
I'm a macho man.
Its God great gift to the human race,
Its a spiritual thing this petroleum case,
Its capital explosion for you and me,
It will trickle on out to all six billion and three,
I'm a mahco man.
SUV’s dont bother me,
Gas we get from a petro tree,
It flows and flows no end in sight,
I'm a macho man.
The industrial age has brought us real far,
The industrial age has brought us the car,
It seems mass transit is good for some,
Messing with my auto is a messing with my gun,
I'm a macho man.
Peace, love and happiness,
Fills my brain when i step on the gas,
You may smell a petroleum fume,
My atomic engine is a coming real soon,
I'm a macho man