In re the Matter of Moderation Impeachment )
on )
WHEREFORE, Wylted having completed and published the official Wylted Report, linked elsewhere, and
WHEREFORE, the Wylted Report having conclusively proven the absence of collusion and obstruction in relation to the recent DebateArt.Com (DART) Hall of Fame (HOF) elections, and
WHEREFORE, TheHammer having been exonerated, in whole, of any collusion, and, likewise, of any obstruction, and
WHEREFORE, the moderation decision to ban TheHammer has proven to be, itself, an act of obstruction into the Wylted Investigation of the moderation decision to ban TheHammer, for reasons unspecified, and
WHEREFORE, that decision having the material effect of, among other effects, obstructing the Wylted Investigation into the moderation decision to ban TheHammer, and,
WHEREFORE, the people of the site of DART find it necessary to conduct a public inquiry into these matters specified herein, and others related thereto;
THEREFORE, by the power of the High Commissioner of the DDO Elite, a moderation impeachment inquiry shall be formed, and commence from the time of this order's filing; and of said omission, Wylted shall be appointed Chair of the Moderation Impeachment, his powers being limited only by the Covenants of the DDO Elite, as have been appropriately recorded, at an appropriate location, and published to appropriate individuals.