You guys should give this site a more mobile friendly interface. All the tiny text and buttons hurt my eyes. ::((
Mobile Friendliness
Mike doesn't know bootstrap is a thing, so he won't make it mobile.
It's not that easy to implement a mobile version, it takes lots of time and effort to come up with a nice design that works on many devices. Bootstrap is a piece of crap that not only messes up the css styles, but also works only for small sites, otherwise it becomes a huge pain the ass. Also its a hobby project and I have very limited time to work on it so that's also an issue.
But some time soon, I may create mobile pages at least for some parts of the website, to help the users and please the google search engine.
Can you remove the PM sounds? Whenever I send a PM on mobile it stops my music and it's SO ANNOYING
Can you remove the PM sounds? Whenever I send a PM on mobile it stops my music and it's SO ANNOYING
I approve this message
I had no idea about it, thanks but you shouldn't have waited to tell me that, such things are easy to fix and it would have been fixed long time ago.
I found out a short while ago lol
I made a thread about the "dong" it makes
I made a thread about the "dong" it makes
Have you thought about making debateart opensource? Throw it on github or something. Might make things easier on you and invite creativity from users. ::))
Above, I have had the exact same sentiments
You have to @ PEOPLE MUFFINS