Go ahead... ASK ANYTHING
The SupaDudz AMA
what's your name?
how old are you?
What are you studying?
What are you aspirations?
What's your darkest secret?
What's a major anchoring characteristic of yours, to give me a point of reference.
when are you gonna release your hot rap album titled "Ball Kicker: the story of how I made my dad cry"
it takes time to make some hot fire
probably me being personable
it's coming?
don't know yet
That's cool, but kind of broad. Lemme think.
Favorite superhero if you had to choose?
Beast Boy.
It is so cool that he can turn into any different animals. also he's a teen
It's weird that I've never heard of him before. Looks like he was created in 1965.
Look him up, one of the Teen Titans
So I see. Do you watch the show or read the comics?
Watched the OG show, not that knock off shit