Russia just walks into Former USA base in Syria
Why does it matter that Russians are using an old base?
It shows we are weak, our mortal enemy winning
It shows we are smart by leaving a region that has cost us thousands of lives and trillions of dollars only to gain enemies.
Gain enemies? We gained alliances and had a compromise in stock to end the war, but we pulled out
I wouldn't quite say Afghanistan and Iraq are our allies. After what happened with Gaddafi, I doubt Iran will ever give up their nuclear weapons they are building.
I'm talking about Syria, with all three factions backed by a foreign power than a compromise would happen, really fucked that up no on died in Syria
Man, nothing we can do to end the conflict in Syria. What are you smoking?
Really, with the war being a stalement, we could have made a compromise
Compromise with who? We didn't have permission to be there and nobody wanted us there. USA being there was like a fart in a church.