Making new freshwater tropical aquarium (10 gallons) - any cool tropical fish/plant type suggestions for it?
Cool tropical fish/plants?
fish, oh my....I use to have cichlids (sp) there was one I can't remember the species but they are yellow with black top fins, but there are so many really cool cichlids, guppies of course, I love the cobra skin ones. Neons and there's another, royal neon? something like that they are bit bigger.
Classics! I am trying to come up with the fish I want to base my tank around.
hmmm, well, decide on the size and whether they are community fish or not, then go from there. Bunch of small ones or just a couple of big ones?
at one time I had a 55, 40 and 2 20 gallon set up.
angelfish.....check out the breeders on youtube, some amazing fish.
Angelfish are probably one of the ones I will end up getting, they're fairly good sized fish. I think I would like a few bigger ones with some small schooling fish. The tank is 10 gallons and planted, so I can get a fair amount of fish in there
I use to have some guppy's and some molly. a fish turned into a couple hundred. I recommend guppy. It is so fun to see the thousands of color's they can be. Plus you can easily get them off Craigslist dirt cheap from someone who turned 3 guppy's into a thousand guppy's or petsmart
Get some guppys they are the best fish in all of petsmart.Beats out those nean tetra by miles.Better then molly's which is saying a lot.Guppy's are awesome. you need some 2 inch albino catfish to clean your tank. They are very hardy and only grow to 2 inches