I would say, "only eat when you are hungry". As in "only have sex when you want a kid". In both cases, if you do it more than you should, various problems will arise.
If you should only eat to sustain your life then we should have strict controls on when you are allowed to eat and how you are allowed to eat. I mean desert would definitely need to be illegal. If that is your world view then having strict laws about what a woman can do with their own body would make sense. But i doubt most people would be ok with that.
No, I'm saying that throwing money at the problem will result in more kids that are dependent on welfare. If you cannot afford a kid, don't have one. Sure, buy contraception, but if that fails, deal with the consequences of your actions like an adult.
Much of the problem is the structural issues with the economy. The american system rewards rich people who already have money while punishing poor people who dont have money. This pushes more and more people into more and more desperate situations. If you want people to be able to afford to have children, we desperately need structural economic reform.
I can see where the religious folks are coming from. They want you to wait until marriage, which is the best result. People have higher divorce rates based on how many sexual partners they have had before that marriage. So they try to prevent all of that. Realistically, I don't think that works, and we should avoid as many unwanted pregnancies as possible.
Is it the best result though? You may be more likely to stay in a marriage if you have never had any experience outside of a marriage. But that doesn't mean you are happy in your marriage. It just means you a culturally indoctrinated to believe you can't/shouldn't leave a bad marriage. i'm glad you agree that abstinence campaigns don't work. People are going to have sex. Nothing anyone can do will prevent that. Once you eliminate trying to stop people doing what their biology is telling them to do, you can move on to things that might actually work.
I think we will have to disagree on who poisoned what. In the future, we can discuss this more in general. I tried to hold back my strong opinions on the matter and just keep it about the drugs aspect.
Understood. Unfortunately, if the issues around women's rights are not settled 1st, I don't see any way a political discussion around drugs can happen. Both sides will assume the other is acting in bad faith and just dig in.