Ragnar: You are Hawkeye, known fornever missing a shot. Therefore, you are a mafia odd-night Strongman. You havethe power to kill any player you choose on odd-nights, and no role can stopyou. You are not a separate kill, but can rather carry out the night kill onodd-nights. You win with mafia.
Cogent_Cognizer: You are DoctorStrange, Master of the Mystic Arts and keeper of the time stone. Because ofthis, you are a governor (1x). During twilight (the brief period in-between thelast vote and me posting the final vote count), you may message the mod (me)and reverse the effects of the lynch. Please be sure to be timely do theytwilight isn't unnecessarily long. You win with the mafia.
SupaDudz: You are Nick Fury, knownfor your ability to escape out of almost any tricky situation. Therefore, youare an Ascetic! No negative night actions except for kills for work on you. Youwin with mafia.
Mharman: You are Mantis, known forseeing people's emotions, but also for weakening them by putting them to sleep,although your ability is not that powerful. As such, you are a 50% Roleblocker.Every night, you can choose to block the role of some body, but whether itworks or not will be determined by a randomizer. There is a 50% chance it willand a 50% chance it won't. Your role works on both passive and active roles.You win with town.
Drafter: You are Hulk, known notonly for your strength, but for your impenetrable skin. Therefore, you are abulletproof. You are protected from all shot-based night kills. You win withtown.
Oromagi: You are Tony Stark, knownaround the world for your genius-level intellect. As such, you are an Inventor.Every night, you may choose to make a gadget from the list below and give it toanother player, and they may use it the next night instead of any night actionthey may already have. The gadgets, however, can be used by both mafia andtown. You cannot give gadgets to yourself. You can only make each gadget once.If the player chooses to use their night action instead of the gadget, thegadget will expire and become unusable. You win with town.
Lie detector: This gadget allows theuser to take any forum post and ask the mod (me) whether what was said was trueor not.
Remote Taser: This gadget can beused to stop the night action of the targeted player (1x roleblocker).
Tonic: This gadget can be used toprotect any player (1x doctor).
WaterPhoenix: You are Heimdall,guardian of all the realms and seer of everything. As such, you are a Watcher.Each night, you may choose one player to watch, and you will see who targetedthat player, if any. However, you will not know what action was performed. Youwin with town.
Wylted: You are Thor, the God ofThunder and the only person who survived Hulk in the arena. As such, you are a1x silencing Gladiator! During the night, you may message me to choose oneplayer to CHALLENGE. Then, during the following DP, votes may only be cast foryou or the other player. VTNLing will not be an option, and if no votes arecast, one of you will be randomly selected to be lynched. ALSO, once youCHALLENGE someone, you and that person will not be able to talk in the DP untilthe next one. You win with town.
GreyParrot: You are Aunt May, one ofthe people that always encourages Spiderman through hard times. Therefore, youare a Motivator! However, this role operates a little differently thanfrequently described. Each night, you can choose one player to give an extravote. That player, and only that player, will know that they have an extra vote(except for you of course). Their extra vote will be revealed to everyone elseafter the DP ends. You win with town.
ILikePie5: You are Stan Lee, famousnot just for your writing, but also for your cameos! As a result, you are aMailman. Up to five times a night, you are allowed to tell me to send a messageto anyone. The message can say anything you want, and they will not know it wasyou who sent it (unless you say that in the message). The only thing you maynot do is pretend to be me (as well as anything else I deem to beinappropriate). Note, the messages will be sent BY ME. You give them to me, andthen I will send them to whatever player you want. You are not allowed tomessage other players yourself. You win with town.
A-R-O-S-E: You are The Wasp, capableof shrinking to the tiniest of heights. Therefore, you are a weak Hider! Eachnight, you may choose to hide behind a certain player, and no night actionswill work on you. However, if that player is killed, you will be killed aswell. Also, if the player that you choose is mafia, you will instantly die. Youwin with town.
warren42: You are Scarlet Witch,known not only for moving objects with your mind, but for revealing visions andhallucinations to people. Therefore, you are the Oracle! Every night, you canreveal one player’s character role to another player. This simply tells theCHARACTER, not the alignment or the actual role the player has (e.g. player Xis Thanos). However, you will not know the character role of the first playeryourself. The player that you tell will not know that it was you who told them.You win with town.
Format: Tell X player Y player’srole.