You have a lot of hate yourself, so accusing people of having hate when you have it yourself is hypocritical.
Poverty to this fake statement, DART in a nutshellHow long before their chanting Seig Heil at Trump's rallies?
I have a lot of mature, moral and rational logical common sense coming out of my mouth, and you have not the slightest idea what any of that is on this issue because of your ego and some fundementalist religous nonsense, is my best guess.You have a lot of hate yourself, so accusing people of having hate when you have it yourself is hypocritical.
140 days later
You do have a lot of hate yourself.
Have your predictions about Trump come true yet?
22 days later
1m × 350m = 350 billion
Poverty is.Poverty is an intrinsic part of human social structure.War on poverty is just a worthless soundbite.
22 days later
8 days later
Fix our broken education system
get rid of near-useless low-paying college majors like Lesbian Dance Theory
stop going soft and easy on illegal aliens and criminals.
information that is several centuries old, that doesn't apply today.
The Roman Catholic Church was the dominant religious institution in westernEurope. The leader of the church—the pope—and his bishops had great politicaland spiritual authority. In the spiritual realm, church leaders determined mostmatters of faith. Parish priests interpreted the scriptures and urged the faithful toendure earthly sufferings in exchange for the promise of eternal life in heaven,or salvation. Priests also administered important rituals called the sacraments—such as baptism and communion—that were thought to ensure salvation.Hand in hand with the belief in salvation was the call to convert people ofother faiths. This missionary call spurred Europe to reach out beyond its bordersfirst to defend, and then to spread, the faith.CRUSADING CHRISTIANITY By the early 700s, Muslim armies had seizedhuge areas of Asia and North Africa, along with most of the Iberian Peninsula,where Spain and Portugal sit. To regain this territory, Spanish Christians waged acampaign called the reconquista, or reconquest. By 1492, the forces of the combined kingdoms of Queen Isabella of Castile and King Ferdinand of Aragon, whomarried in 1469, finally drove the Muslims from the peninsula. This victoryended more than seven centuries of religious warfare. Aunited Spain stood ready to assert itself internationally andto spread Christianity around the globe.Meanwhile, Christian armies from all over westernEurope responded to the church’s call to force the Muslimsout of the Holy Land around Jerusalem. From 1096 to 1270,Europeans launched the Crusades, a series of militaryexpeditions to the Middle East in the name of Christianity.In the end, these bloody Crusades failed to “rescue”the Holy Land, but they had two consequences thatencouraged European exploration and expansion. First,they sparked an increase in trade, as crusaders returnedhome with a new taste for products from Asia. Second, theCrusades weakened the power of European nobles, manyof whom lost their lives or fortunes in the wars. Monarchswere able to take advantage of the nobles’ weakened ranksby consolidating their own power. Eventually, monarchssponsored overseas exploration in order to increase theirwealth and power.DECLINE IN CHURCH AUTHORITY The Crusades had athird long-term consequence: the decline of the power ofthe pope. The ultimate failure of these campaigns weakenedthe prestige of the papacy (the office of the pope), whichhad led the quest. Power struggles in the 1300s and 1400sbetween the church and European kings further reducedpapal authority and tipped the balance of power in favor ofthe monarchies.Disagreements over church authority, along with outrage over corrupt practices among the clergy, led to a reformmovement in the early 1500s. This movement, known asthe Reformation, divided Christianity in western Europebetween Catholicism and Protestantism. This split deepenedthe rivalries between European nations during the period ofAmerican colonization and sent newly formed Protestantsects across the Atlantic to seek religious freedom.
First off, my birthday is on my profile.