the things trump did are not that serious. it's questionable whether what he did was even corrupt, let alone illegal. biden may have did some bad things related to ukraine, so trump asked them to investigate. what's the big deal? the usa and ukraine has a treaty where they are suppose to cooperate in investigations if they are willing and able. trump is the leader so it's not far fetched to ask them to look into it. per crimes, it's a stretch, and a gray area at best for democrats. so far all i can see is people say he sought something of value illegally per campaign finance laws, and other people say he was bribing ukraine by dangling aid money in front of them. if it doesn't look like a duck or quack like one, why should we say these are legal violations? and even if they were, they aren't that far fetched or unreasonable on trump's part. more like if they were illegal, democrats are unreasonably playing 'gotcha' in getting him on any far out thing they can.
how is what trump did such a big deal?
how is what trump did such a big deal?