That is why the rule should be that if the intention of your thread, even indirectly in a blatant way, is taken by the mods and general userbase to be to humiliate, expose etc another user, you should not be making such a thread.
This, then, covers you being able to leave up call-out threads where the recipient digs the beef and it's mano e mano with mutual respect/disrespect that the userbase digs the drama of.
I can give you a ton of other advice if you want, but you'll just say 'run your own site', there's a reason I don't and it isn't just the money. To run a site like this blackmails me to hide myself as the admin and would have to pose as another user, which I have no doubt Mike is doing potentially. You also should have a support team, like what you wanted Castin and Ramshutu's role to be but a more clear role that cannot and does not moderate or get flack for that, they handle people and filter the non-easy-to-solve queries and stuff with you and the userbase.
The problem with sites where all the running is done by free-to-hire volunteers is that the currency becomes social acceptance, I got that a long time ago and didn't complain about it literally ever. I get that you always work for something and for some the appreciation and recognition is their payment, so give it to them. Delegate better, make yourself the untouchable kingpin on the top of the food chain 'round here and for fuck's sake man; rule out disrespecting you, whether you think you're a noble masochist or not. When you allow people to treat you like dirt and you don't use it for drama like I do, all that people learn about you is that you're a tough guy to get to emotionally and are cold inside, which is a terrible image to have if you want to draw people in and create a team that trusts each other and cares a lot. Virt has you covered in that department brutally and is the sole site-staff-reason this site didn't fall apart back when people were at your throat. You said 'disrespect us as you please' but I stuck up for Virt and you, for you. People learned, not just from my defence but other people who joined in such as Virt himself as he does defend you at times, that you do have backup and are a person that people regard and care about. That image is invaluable in a website where recognition and socialising are the sole currency of power and work ethic staying solid.
You need to recognise what you are; top dog around here. Stop trying to play 'i'm just a guy with mod powers', you are not. You're the alpha of this pack in practise with the charisma of the most beta cuck I've ever met. Stop that shit, you know your worth and that's why you went for the position in the first place.
If you started to actively participate, moderate, shut people up and make people afraid to talk shit about you and rewarded for speaking kindly about you and the website in general, you would use your influence the correct way. You cannot ever stop corruption, you can only channel it in a way that benefits the community to make up for it. You got power, use it well. It's tiring to see you let this place stagnate and people to shit on your name.