They are the facts of what humans do, that all other animals do not do, or do but too a much greater of less degree.
Well yes, humans have access to and ego, whereas animals have such lesser degree of access to ego.
I don’t see how your explanation contradicts what I said. Can you clarify please?
Your comment ..."Answer: Depends how far you want to go back."... presumes there is some time length that will explain why Universe or just humans exist. I will repeat, in an eternally existent, occupied space Universe, time is irrelevant to how Universe came to exist. Eternity is beyond time, ergo any time length value we want to reference is irrelevant to eternity.
I'm not sure or others grasp what eternity means and that is partly because humans only witness terminality of their lives, terminality of other biologics lives, a beginning time to Earth, terminallity { decay } of particles { natural occuring decay } except of the proton whcih is assumed to have a natural decay rate, that we dont know of yet.
Then in same breath of people who cannot grasp eternity, that will start spouting off about and unlimited occupied space Universe ergo ignorant of systemic and structual integrity only being finite.
Eternity is to time, as,
Infinity is to occupied space.
Eternity and infinite are beyond { meta } their repective counter parts, of time and finite, occupied space.