100th Topic!
100th Topic!
"YAY!" - No one
I flew right past mine without realizing it
Happy 101st forum post day!
No on cares about YOU or me, I mean 5000 years from now, will anyone remember us?
I remember who Ramesses II was. He was a cool dude. We used to sip martinis in Gaza together, until Hezbollah came along.
Hezbollah is current day
Ramesses II is not
Are you some cool leader, nO
How would you know?
Because i have 1000000 iq
Your puny cranial is nothing compared to my awesome, 9999999999998999999999999 IQ brain packed with FACTS and LOGIC
Ben Shapiro massacres Palestinian refugee camp with FACTS and LOGIC and his 10,000000000000000000000000000000000000000 iq brain