Sup’s slackin.
So I’m volunteering @ this film festival this weekend & I’m taking the gondola out to free parking. It’s a really cool 2 mile transport over a ski mountain in 3 sections. I’ve never taken it at night before but it is awesome. It’s very dark and quiet and the stars are out in their millions. If you stare long
enough you get that feeling like Starship Earth.
At the halfway point, this really sexy, sharp dressed couple comes out of Allred’s- a fancy restaurant on the landing and jumps on followed by Guy Pearce. From their conversation, it’s clear the other guy is also a film actor but i couldn’t make him. This other guy is talking about underwater work and how he’s scared of heights and he’s afraid the gondola is going to get stuck & sure enough, a minute or two later the gondola shudders to a halt for five or six minutes. We’re trying to distract & comfort the guy a little & talked about how beautiful the sky was, and Pearce talked about a Billy Bragg American train song album and how he should make a gondola album. Willem Dafoe’s here. Martin Scorsese. Saw Ken Burns speak. I’m not sure I’m cool enough to be at this festival. Saw “The Aeronauts” which was excellent and watched “The Right Stuff” in a little outdoor park.