Is it the believer's responsibility to prove to the non-believer that God exists, or the non-believer's responsibility to prove to the believer that God doesn't exist?
It doesn't matter. I can tell you all of my experiences and how i came to where i am and you still are left with the choice to believe me or not. And, if you don't experience it for yourself, you may never believe me or anyone else. The best you can do is logically destroy the frauds. You, as a non-believer, are actually better at that than someone like me... so ultimately, i don't want to prove anything bc your existence is necessary. How do i prove anything to you when i think god means people like atheists and theists are all a part of game?
And.... a theist's worldview is limited by a 1000+ year old book called the bible/quran, and by lack of evidence.
You're right, but theist doesn't mean religious. You're fixated on easy wins. I don't get why anyone serious about spirituality would bother debating these Abrahamic religions. All you are going to end up with is lies and manipulation, and you know that's what's going to happen... yet, atheists continue to debate them... i don't get it.
What "corresponding evidence" is there that God exists?
My entire life and experiences i've had, highly make me suspect there is something behind this reality... Logically, the best platform that would explain my suspicions are infinite consciousness, oneness, non-duality, panpsychism, etc... all of these, depending on how you define them, imply everything, infinity, is consciousness. I just call it source since it's the platform... don't really care about which one is right bc more important is who i am to the platform. In any case, you can also call this platform god. I think people shouldn't, but you can. What evidence? This reality. People's experiences. There is no material evidence... bc this isn't something material and encompasses "all."
Neither does religion.
Both religion and science have pieces of the puzzle... but both people obsessed with either or cannot see their own limitations. To me, that's by design. (Not literal design... but obvious that's what an infinite consciousness would do).
I think we're both lost about what your so-called "evidence" is all about, and also trying to make the point that "spirituality" makes no sense.
Spirituality makes no sense to you... that's a limitation i was previously talking about that you can't see within yourself. Why would you assume others haven't transcended this limitation? It's really a human thing... people hate thinking there are levels and that someone may be above them.