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go onto twitter and protest spider-man being kicked out of the mcu :(((((
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Open your calculator and type 3 single digits, then do not delete them but type those same three, so now you have repeating set of 3 digits ergo total of 6 digits.
Now divide that set by 7, then 11 then 13 or in order you chose as long as it is those three numbers.
Your resultant should be your original 6 digit number.
7 * 11 * 13 - 1001, Scheherazade { the wife } postponed her death ---by her husband killing her--- for 1001 nights or days, by telling him 1001 Tales of Arabian Nights. LINK
Why 1001 and not just 1000 tales?
See Bucky Fullers Synergetics answer:
1230.30 Origin of Scheherazade Myth: I think the Arabian priest-mathematiciansand their Indian Ocean navigator ancestors knew thatthe binomial effect of 1,001 uponthe first four prime numbers 1, 2, 3, and 5 did indeedprovide comprehensive dividendaccommodation of all the permutative possibilities ofall the ''story-telling-taling-tallying,"or computational systems of the octave system of integers.
1230.31 The function of the grand vizier to the ruler was thatof mathematicalwizard, the wiz of wiz-dom; and the wiz-ard kept secretto himself the mathematicalnavigational ability to go to faraway strange placeswhere he alone knew there existedphysical resources different from any of those occurring''at home," then voyaging toplaces that only the navigator-priest knew how to reach,he was able to bring backguaranteed strange objects that were exhibited by theruler to his people as miraclesobviously producible only by the ruler who secretlyand carefully guarded his vizier'smiraculous power of wiz-dom.
1230.32 To guarantee their own security and advantage, theMesopotamianmathematicians, who were the overland-and-overseas navigator-priests,deliberately hidtheir knowledge, their mathematical tools and operationalprinciples such as themathematical significance of 7 × 11 × 13 = 1,001 fromboth their rulers and the people.They used psychology as well as outright lies, combiningthe bad-luck myth of the threeprime integers with the mysterious inclusiveness ofthe Thousand and One Nights. Thepriests warned that bad luck would befall anyone caughtusing 7s, 11s, or 13s.
1230.33 Some calculation could only be done by the abacus orby positioningnumbers. With almost no one other than the high priestsable to do any calculation, therewas not much chance that anyone would discover thatthe product of 7, 11, and 13 is001, but "just in case," they developed the divertingmyth of Scheherazade and herpostponement of execution by her Thousand and One Nights.
16 days later
The Best Thing that I do when I am bored is just to go somehwere
No I don't want to see Peter, Iron Man, Parker. I want to see a Saim Raimi-esc trilogy for Spider-Man. More chance of that occur now. If only they can get Sam Raimi to do it again. I don't think that would happen.
Oh, so being spidey being kicked out of the mcu is fine??
Yes if I get a trilogy like the one Sam Raimi while also having the 3rd one being good.Oh, so being spidey being kicked out of the mcu is fine??
Dude, do you even know any Marvel characters besides spider man cause if you did then you be angry af rn
That makes me lose all respect for you
You both don't know what you are talking about. Sam Raimi's trilogy is better than the Disney Spider Man. I rather take a chance to see that then see Iron Man Parker. My priority is first Spider Man then any other Marvel character.
First priority??? So you not caring that he gets dropped out of literal mcu is first priority? I'm pretty we know what we're talking about more than you do. And no one cares about some wannabe director Sam Raimi dude.
You're CRAZY
Spider-Man 2 was better than any MCU movie. You just couldn't be bothered to watch it or are too young to watch it.And no one cares about some wannabe director Sam Raimi dude.
You're CRAZY
Your crazy.
Spider-Man 2 was better than any MCU movie.
How about the best selling movie ever made hmm? Oh wait, that's endgame which also happens to be a mcu movieeeeeeee.
You just couldn't be bothered to watch it or are too young to watch it.
You're just too old then
Where did I mention money? I didn't.
I have watched them and they weren't as good as Spider-Man 2. Infinity War comes close but since you have to care about the other bad movies then that comes down given there is shite to dig through whereas with S2 there is only Spider-Man 1 which is my favorite.