Adam was a creature of creation. But Son of Man is a product of man and not an alien invisibke creator. For Jesus to recognize he is a Son of Man is to accept his humanity. But that changed when he found out he was also a Son of a Bitch as well. (Mary his mother being the bitch). That is when he changed his title to Son of God. Son of God means the son of the Almighty himself a very presumptious belief bordering on delusion.
Here is how scriptures confirms his mothers status as adulterous and bitch.
"Mary was betrothed to Joseph, which was a legally binding arrangement in the Jewish culture. All that awaited the couple was the wedding. If they engaged in sexual intercourse with each other, that was not seen as a violation of any cultural norm. Later rabbinic writings allowed that a future groom who had sexual relations with his bride-to-be at her father's house was not guilty of immoral behavior.
If pregnancy occurred before the wedding, this was not a problem because the parentage of the child was secured. What is shocking is that Mary is pregnant and Joseph knows he is not the father. The problem is not that a betrothed couple had sex, but that presumably Mary had sex with another man"she committed adultery."
The scriptures tell us Joseph wanted to keep it a secret so an not to expose Mary publicly.
Matthew 1:19 Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.
Jesus's earthly, legal father was Joseph. But Luke says that Joseph is the son of Heli (3:23), while Matthew says that he was the son of Jacob (1:16).
We know Mary is the daughter of Heli because Luke was giving the geneology of Mary thereby confirming evidence to show that Luke 3 was in fact the lineage of Jesus through Mary? I believe there is. Luke 3:23 states that Jesus was "the supposed" son of Joseph, the son of Heli. The phrase "the supposed" is from the Greek nomizo which means as was the custom in the sense of a legal custom. In other words, Joseph was the legal father of Jesus; not the literal father. As with the legal custom of that time, Mary"s name would not have been listed even though she was the person through whom the lineage passed. So in this case Joseph the "legal" father of Jesus represented his wife Mary in the lineage and Heli was in fact Mary"s father. Remarkably we have a historical source which confirm that Mary was the daughter of Heli.
We all know that Adam was created from dust and Eve from Adam's rib. But henceforth it required the union of a man and woman to create humans. We also know as flesh and blood Jesus was human (like Adam) and genetically traced back to Adam. (Matthew 1, Luke 3:23-38). In both the genealogies neither God or the HS was included in Jesus's lineage. Only Mary and Joseph claimed to be visited by angels. But no one actually heard their story. The Gospels were written after Jesus died.
We all know because of Adam and Eve all humans were cursed with sin. But we are told jesus was sinless. That was only possible if Jesus was born outside the womb. Being born of humans Jesus inherited Adam and Eve's sin. So here again the stories don't add up.
Here is how scriptures confirms jesus's mother was an adulterous bitch. Mary was bethroted to Joseph but was made pregnant by another man. She committed adultery. She had children after Jesus and they involved intercourse. Jesus was no exception. Luke makes that clear