Consciousness Twoness Otherness as Integrated Set { To Feel }

Author: mustardness


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..."The integrated information theory (IIT) [1] attempts to provide a principled answer to these questions. By starting from phenomenology and making a critical use of thought experiments, the IIT claims that:

i) the quantity of consciousness is the amount of integrated information generated by a complex of elements;

ii) the quality of consciousness is specified by the set of informational relationships generated among the elements of a complex."..
1} Quantified { mathematical } does not neccessitate and  association with the 'quantization' of occupied space as a quantum particle or set of quantum events { bits } that are integral as one particle { as a quantum bit }.

2} Quality { sensorial } is the synergetic, integral  resultant of a complex of bits interrelating thereby creating a human  discernent { to feel } of an integral set of lines-of-relationship to their environment i.e. the environmental circumstances and their sensorial feelings response to them.

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Consciousness - Twoness - Otherness - Awareness as an Integrated { interrelated } Set.

..."Symbolically, our ex-is-tence is defined by self and other, or inner energy and its outer body, with our spiritual goals above and our material development below, and our standing in society.

Our life is defined by the uncertain future we face before us, and our past by the actions we have perfomed and put behind us. The experience of life in existence is made possible by the unconscious impressions of sensuous reality entering our left hand and being met by the cognitive response and action of the right hand.

Again, in the center is the psyche, the eye of the needle and gateway to our Soul."...

In the  center --12-around-nuclear 13th spherical in VE--- is not the soul.

The soul { biologic } is the whole set with varying patterns ---ergo degrees-- of reflection of self and/or the enviroment  within-us and without-us.
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Read about this and tell me what you think. I personally see consciousness in levels, so i like such models as presented by this spiral. 
ebuc's avatar
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I personally see consciousness in levels,
 Ebuc here until I can get my mustardness account closed. I've emaild Bsh1 about that.

On a few occasions when going to sleep a spiraling left{?} or right{?} and a seemingly spiraling vortex inward or spiarlingvortex outward.  On just one occasion this was very intense and I became fearful { high anxiety } of falling into the spiralling vortex .

It wasnt until the  I came to the conclusion that my anxiety was unfounded, as I was merely intensely aware of the fine line between consciousness and being sleep.  It was seeing { being aware } of the moment of a fine line between consciousness awareness and unconsicous sleep and I didnt realize that at the time is all that was happening so I was scared.

Refering  back to post #1 link
.."Information is classically defined as reduction of uncertainty."....

...ergo we are left with finding an order or  using an orderly process to reduce uncertainty...............

I was uncertain of what was happening with that intense spiraling moment. Come to think of it I think I actually pulled back away from being aware of the spiral it a few times hoping it would go away.  I dont think it ever went away until I actually feel asleep ergo the autonomous nervous system rules again.

A quasi-smilar thing happen to me once while sitting at my desk. I forget the actual details but I wanted to take a breath and couldnt recall what mechanisms I should activate to that.  I couldnt recall and after maybe 20 or 30 seconds high anxiety appears and then suddenly autonomous system kicked in and Wow!, what a relief that was.

..."Information is not enough, however, if it is not integrated.".. Again from that initial LINK above.

Fuller address this in his book Synergetics 2, wherein he states the differrence between understanding and comprehension by stating that comprehension begins wit no less than 6 interrelationships { chords } of the minimal structure of Universe, the tetra{4}hedrorn.

With the simplest set of two ME { O } and You { O } we have graviational line-of-relationship aka mass-atraction i.e. moving INwards towards each other O----><-----O.

That is ok representation but I think there has to exist two geodesic relationships as mass-attraction and I see that is two geodesic sine-waves acting  as a feedback system ergo (O)(O) i.e. ( )( )( )( )( ) is two sine-waves over what ever distance.  Those circles are not close because I'm using text characters and that is best I have on keyboard to express my idea.

With understanding we see one, two or three, four, five and six bits of information or lines of relationhship but we have not yet considered them as an integrated whole set as enclosure of space via minimal structre of Universe, the seperates all of the macro-infinite outside and irrelevant information from all of the mirco-infinite and irrelevant inside.

Ex in the above we have ME { O } and You { O } one of two lines of relationship { geodesic or whatever } and the background against which we consider those four or five items of consideration.

So that is five or six items  to consider in comprehending the most simplistic set of consciousness, awareness, twoness, otherness.

Yes it is only 5 if we consider only one line-of-relationship so we can throw in a sixth as metaphysical-1, mind/intellect/concepts as the 6th line-of-relationship in order to complete the whole tetrahedron of comprehensive enclosure of a whole 3D concept as ergo tetrahedral.

As for you spiral dynamics yes I considered that years ago along with 100s of other psychological outlines for consciousness over the last 25 or 30 years. Ive gone more twowards primary sets;

The overal most cosmically wholistic set, that all inclusive erog the most primary fundamental set for consciousness and all occupied space and the most irrelevant macro-infinite non-occupied space is also considered and Ive been very clear with Cosmic Trinity and other formatted hierachies of expressing those concepts like the beginning any good educational book that has a table-of-contents.

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Also I recall that the VE as jitterbug  LINK is Fullers Operating System of Universe and the closet we will ever come to knowing God i.e.t he balance equanimity between 24 chords and 24 raddi.

So the VE jitterbug spirals INward as it contracts from 12-around-1 spherical nodes to the 6 of the octahedron, although the 6 are doubled ergo the original 12 and those 12 have 66 lines-of-relationships aka internal chords as seen in my profile graphic fior 12 nodal events.

Since the icosahedron, the phase the VE jitterbug passes through also has 12 nodal events it also also 66 lines-of-relationship, as seen in profile graphic.

Pi^4 - 31 =.......... 66.4

Pi^3 = 31.00 62 7 66 80299820175476315067101

Irons mass is 55 or 55.845 u.

66.4 minus 55.845 =  11

31 is associated with 31 great circle/polygonal planes of the icosa{20}hedron and there is both a left-skew and right-skew set of those 31 ergo 62.

Pi^3 = 31.00 62 7 66 80

Humans have 31 bilateral spinal nerves ergo 62 total.

Humans have 12 cranial nerves and 24 if bilateral.

Humans have 24 ribs.

Humans have four chamber of heart and the VE has primary four axi that are associated with its 8 diametrically opposing and self stabllizing triangles.  These four axi when spun define four great bisecting planes and those planes are the same  angulanar orientation ---ie, 60 degrees--- as the tetrahedons foru surface planes. See LINK that shows the tetrahedrons four surface plane become the VE{ cubo-octahedron } when brought to zero volume { black hole? }.

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Humans have four chamber of heart and the VE has primary four axi that are associated with its 8 diametrically opposing and self stabllizing triangles. 
These four axis are the same four of VE's { jitterbug } opposing triangles that are the four volumetric diagonals of a cube existing between diametrically opposite vertexes { nodal events }.

The three axi of cube are same as three axi of VE's { jtitterbugs } 6 diametrically opposing squares.

These four axi when spun define four great bisecting planes and those planes are the same  angular orientation ---ie, 60 degrees--- as the tetrahedons four surface planes. See LINK that shows the tetrahedrons four surface plane become the VE{ cubo-octahedron } when brought to zero volume { black hole? }.

Each of these volumetric diagonals represent a 4th spatial dimension. See Micho Kaku's book Hyperspace wherein XYZ{ 90 degree } becomes abc and the 4th spatial dimension is the 45 degree volumetric diagonal that becomes truncated by a vertex of an inner  cube inside the external cube.

4 axi of cubes opposing vertexes = four axi of 4-fold VE's opposing triangles
..two potential spin directions { left and right } with each equal 8 spin dimensions....

3 axi of cubes opposing surface squares = three axi of 4-fold VE's opposing squares
...two potential spin plane directions { left and right } with each equal 6 spin dimensions....

That is 14 spin dimensions, that are not inclusive of diametrically opposing axi of cube or VE.