Torque On The Brain

Author: mustardness


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....."Even when the brain is at rest, brain imaging shows that there are asymmetries of activity in a number of regions. A factor analysis of these asymmetries revealed four different dimensions, each mutually uncorrelated. Only one of these dimensions corresponded to the language regions of the brain; the other three had to do with vision, internal thought, and attention [49]—vision and attention were biased toward the right hemisphere, language and internal thought to the left. This multidimensional aspect throws further doubt on the idea that cerebral asymmetry has some unitary and universal import.

Four axi of diametrically opposing surface and structurally stable triangles. LINK

These four axi are primary as the 3 axi are associated with unstable squares.

Eachof the four axi has two possible spin --dimensions?-- left and right so a total of 8 possible processing dimensions.

So if we add in the three axi we get 11, provided we dont include a two spins dimensions of the three axi.
..."The team used algebraic topology, a branch of mathematics used to describe the properties of objects and spaces regardless of how they change shape.

They found that groups of neurons connect into 'cliques', and that the number of neurons in a clique would lead to its size as a high-dimensional geometric object (a mathematical dimensional concept, not a space-time one).

"We found a world that we had never imagined," said lead researcher, neuroscientist Henry Markram from the EPFL institute in Switzerland.
"There are tens of millions of these objects even in a small speck of the brain, up through seven dimensions. In some networks, we even found structures with up to 11 dimensions."


66.4 { spiral revolutions } * 3 { tori as 3 planes of octahedron } is199.2 { mass/energy? potential }.

199.2^2 = 39,680.64. wherein squaring is a synergetic effect due to contracting torque of jitterbug an doubling of octahedra

39,680.64 * 186000 { speed-of-radiation } = 7,380,599,040 is total energy output or potential for output via Pi-Time as mass/energy and by coincidence approximates within 300,000 current human population on Earth..

Go back a few days, weeks months and that resultant would be even closer to the human population at that time.
...did humanity cross some cosmic threshold a few months back?........................

66.4 { Pi-Time  spiral revolutions }

3 toroidal spiral/helxi revolutions = 199.2 --See three great circles { planes } that define spherical octahedron

199.2 to 2nd power = synergetic effect via contraction ergo torque of jitterbug and doubling of octahedra { synergy as a squaring effect }

39,680 a cosmic Pi-Time resultant times cosmic speed of radiation value, approximates current human population on Earth.

A * 3 = B, square B and multiply times C and the resultant is D.  Follow the bouncing ball of pathways of thought. No more no less hs interesting resultant if only conincidence.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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what's the point of this
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A factor analysis of these asymmetries revealed four different dimensions, each mutually uncorrelated
The 4-fold, VE jitterbug --cubo-octahedron-- has  four primary and diametric axi via the 8, self stabllizing surface triangles.

Fuller refers to 'spin' as the fifth dimension  after the four abstrace surface dimenstions of a tetrahedron it exists as reality in motion via spin if not four seperate axi of spin.

Each axi can spin left or right.

Then there exists also the unstable 6 squares have three axi.  

The VE has 12 nodal vertexes and 24 chords and there exist  12 cranial nerves ---24 if bilateral--  and 24 ribs and 24 thoraic nerves  --48 if bilatera--.

138 days later

ebuc's avatar
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We have 7,751, 903, 00 on Earth.

Go back a few days, weeks months and my given resultant below, ----7,380,599,040---- would be even closer to the human population at that time

Did humanity cross some cosmic threshold within the last year or two? Below is how I came to my mathematical. That is close to human population in last year or two was not my intention in doing the math.
Pi^4 - 31{ 3D } = 66.4 i.e. 4D as time plus 3D { 31 } space = Pi^4 and that is 97.4 -31 = 66.4

So I take 66.4 and apply it as 66.4 spiral revolutions to define a torus i.e a slinky toy that curves around to meet itself.... (  )(   ) bisection of torus...

66.4 { spiral revolutions } * 3 { tori as 3 planes of octahedron LINK } is 199.2 { mass/energy? potential }.

199.2^2 = 39,680.64. wherein squaring is a synergetic effect due to contracting torque of jitterbug LINK an doubling of octahedra

39,680.64 * 186,000 { speed-of-radiation } = 7,380,599,040 is total energy output or potential for output via Pi-Time as mass/energy and by coincidence approximates within 400,000 current human population on Earth..

A{ 66.4 } * 3 = B{ 199.2 }, square B and multiply times C{ 186,000 } and the resultant is D.  Follow the bouncing ball of pathways of thought. No more no less has interesting resultant if only coincidence and was not known by me from out front or nor was I attempting to make find a value that so closely approximated Earths human population.