On the Jewish Question

Author: dylancatlow


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I was recently asked to explain why I “pick on the Jews for being so left-wing” when the exit polling conducted after the 2016 election indicates that they supported Hillary over Trump by a ratio of 71-24, which is about the same level of democratic support shown by other minority groups. And it is the case: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/08/us/politics/election-exit-polls.html

To simplify matters I’ll assume that of the 5 percent of Jews who voted for third parties, 4/5ths supported left-wing candidates like Jill Stein and 1/5th supported more “right-wing” candidates like Gary Johnson (in fact, an anti-Trumper moron and drug-addicted hippie), to make the “effective ratio” 75-25. In reality, this figure is not useful for gauging the true extent of Jewish radicalism, which rises to a level that still remains unprecedented in human history. If you feel that you require further proof of this than that provided below, see the extensive work of Kevin MacDonald, who is just about the only author one can turn to for a modern analysis of the Jewish Question. Fortunately, his books are very good. 

Of the roughly 6 million Jews residing in the US approximately 80 percent are “Reform Jews,” another 10 percent are “Conservative Jews,” and the remaining 10 percent are “Othrodox Jews,” who are almost entirely confined to the borough of Brooklyn and might as well be living in a different country. I don’t have all the exit polling data from the 2016 election in front of me, but as far as I can remember, Orthodox Jews voted 80-20 for Trump (good for them), Conservative Jews voted for him 60-40, and, as we can figure out using algebra (as we must, since the following figure is never mentioned anywhere), Reform Jews must therefore have voted 89-11 for Clinton. (I’m including in “Reform Jews” the 3 million Jews who identify as agnostics and atheists).  

However, even this figure does not really capture the full extent of their leftism, because there are three unique facts (at least) about these Jews that we have to adjust for: (1) They are far wealthier than average, and sometimes vote republican just because they want an even lower effective tax rate and believe republicans are more likely to give it to them (2) not all of them self-identify as Jews, and of the ones who don’t, we’d have to assume an even greater degree of radicalism (3) most of them feel tied to Israel, and occasionally will vote republican simply out of concern for Israel. 

Of course, it’s difficult to quantify what effect these factors have on their voting habits, but let’s just assume that if Reform Jews were no wealthier than average, all identified as Jews, and felt no attachment to Israel, their support for the democrats would go up by an additional 5 points, putting them at 93-7 for the democrats, even higher than the level of support from *self-identified democrats* (see the article). And of the measly 7 percent who are “true republicans,” many are RINOS (republicans in name only). So if we’re being honest, it’s more like 98-2. And of the remaining 2 percent, most are criminally stupid on the issue of immigration, so it’s really more like 99.99-.0001. See how quickly we got that figure all the way down to nothing? Am I a magician or what? 

[Continued below] 

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To get a sense of just how far left this puts them, we can think of it in terms of IQ. Let’s assume that anyone left of center is below average in “Ideological IQ” while anyone to the right is above average. Since about half the country is democrat and the other half republican, this allows us to set the mean Ideological IQ in this country at 100 and to think of every citizen as falling along a bell curve. 

To find what the mean “Ideological IQ” of Reform Jews is, we simply need to answer the following question: what would Group A’s mean IQ have to be if 93 percent of its members fell below Group B’s mean of 100? The answer is *78*, or 70 if we go with my “adjusted” ratio of 98-2 and 44 if we go with my more extreme adjustment. This is not too far above the level at which our courts deem someone “too retarded” to even stand for trial. In other words, a high percentage of Reform Jews are literally “retarded” when it comes to politics and issues closely related to politics, such as religion and philosophy. And it’s not just that so many of them are left of center. With their ideological bell curve set firmly on that side of the political aisle, many of them naturally go far beyond “middle of the road” leftism all the way to Eastern European-style Communism (yes, even here, and yes, even now). In short, they are now trying to pull in the US the very same Communist shenanigans which got them kicked out of Europe. This is what it means to be “retarded” ideologically. 

We can also calculate what the mean Ideological IQ is for non-Jewish whites, which comes out to 106 under this analysis, given that in 2016 they favored Trump over Hillary by a ratio of 65-35 (and some of that 35 percent were gentiles who got tricked and intimidated by Jews, so we also “adjust” this if we want).
Interestingly enough, their mean Ideological IQ of 80 puts American blacks a little ahead of the Reform Jews, and if we assume that their high poverty rate artificially increases their level of democratic support by a few points, then we could expect their Ideological IQ to be closer to 85, which would perfectly align with their actual IQ. Hispanics average 93, again about in line with their reported IQ of 89-92. And Asians are in roughly the same spot, although this is quite a bit lower than their actual IQ of about 100-105. This could be because half of them live in a liberal hellhole like California, and for cultural reasons all insist on getting “educated,” which at this point in our country’s history means nuking one’s intelligence (if it wasn’t already) for the sake of a “good job” and the respect of other “nuked minds.”(Sorry, Japanese people).  

Non-Jewish White’s mean Ideological IQ of 106 is only somewhat higher than their actual IQ of about 102. This puts them almost two standard deviations above the Reform Jews, about the same level of IQ difference between Germans and Somalis. 

Of course, like all Jews, Reform Jews are much smarter than Somalis in an overall sense, with a verbal IQ of about 120, and that’s exactly the problem. Imagine what damage could be done to an otherwise well-functioning country if by some miracle six million Somalis installed themselves as that population’s overlords, running their banks, schools, media, healthcare industry, entertainment industry, political system and every institution of any importance. What you’d get is a country about as dysfunctional as the United States of today. Hence, my concern about our crafty Somalian overlords. If humanity is going to survive long-term, defeating these people and their evil little “movement” must be high on its to-do list. 

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