Pro-Abortion Politics

Author: Barney


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Originally posted at WordPress, and copy/pasting it here by request (divided into the first two posts on this topic). The bracketed text was originally footnotes, which displays great on paper, but not so well online.

Dilemmas are what define most people, and politically there is perhaps none greater than abortion. Whichever side of the divisive line you stand, you should be against Pro-Abortion politicians. Agree or disagree, please keep reading.

The sides to take are as follows:
  • Pro-Life: This is really the anti-abortion group, they are not anti-choice, but bodily autonomy is a lower priority.
  • Pro-Choice: This is not the pro-abortion group, they simply believe abortion is an option due to bodily autonomy taking a higher priority.
  • Pro-Abortion: Whatever other ambitions lay at the heart of it, they intentionally cause more abortions and consider this if not good, than at least an acceptable price to pay for those other goals.
Confused yet? Context is coming…

Pro-Abortion in Action
In Colorado public funding for contraceptives saved the state a massive $5.85 per $1 spent, this equaled about $79 million saved in just two years (this figure is excluding decreased welfare spending). Further, this decreased teen abortions by 50%! This is a win/win scenario; for Pro-Life there are less abortions, for Pro-Choice women are in greater control of their bodies, and for people who don’t care either way there’s less government spending. However, Pro-Abortion politicians tried to stop this program. They pretended to be Pro-Lifers to get conservative support, and made a mockery of Pro-Life beliefs, top among their claims was that not getting pregnant is the same as an abortion (the only counter case I’ve heard, calls for every sperm to be sacred, and all men to be genocidal monsters for not freezing them for later use), and further that family values call for increasing the number of abortions so long as there’s technically a few extra babies born (other trades to gain these abortions include: an increased percentage of teenagers with STDs, increased poverty, less education, and these problems affect girls more than boys… Of course, an argument could be made for any one of these things being the true goal, and the rest merely being acceptable collateral damage along the way; for any real Pro-Lifer, acceptable collateral damage will never include anything at an abortion clinic).

Texas has a number of politicians who seek to get teenage girls pregnant (where I’m from, if someone plots to get underage girls pregnant, we call them a pedophile), who use such measures as abstinence only education, under the claim about family values, but it’s been shown time and again to cause more pregnancies and accompanying abortions. To give them the benefit of the doubt that it’s not motivated by dishonorable intentions towards those underage girls, the logical conclusion seems to be they’re the means to the end of upping the abortion rate.

Reasons for this oddity could be mused easily enough. I do not assume anything which requires wearing a tinfoil hat, rather I assume it boils down to the badge of victim-hood.
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Understanding Victim Culture
Stepping out of the abortion issue for a moment, if nothing is new with the War on Christmas™, Fox News cannot get ratings for giving us the updates on it. Regardless of if you believe Christmas is under attack, Fox News is clearly incentivized for sensational reports in that battlefield.

Politically, how many times has leadership in a political party you dislike, cried wolf by claiming: “we’re under attack,” or words to the same meaning? How many of these attacks are indistinguishable from figments of their imagination? And don’t they realize that it’s really your political party that is under attack? …  The crux of the problem should be clear, both sides believe the same nasty thing about the other. Each major election in the US, both sides claim the other is rigging the election, that the other is hiring thugs to turn protests violent, etcetera.

Sickening as it sounds, there are leaders of legitimate victim groups who seek to increase the number of victims, to thereby increase their power base. If anything, the smaller scale only magnifies the effect.

Gang recruiters try to harm neighborhoods, as disenfranchised young people without prospects are far more easily recruited than young people who went off the college and saw the bigger world. Similarly, ISIS made harming Muslims their first priority, for proof look at their destruction of Islamic historical sites (if ISIS’ motives were pure, wouldn’t they have sought to make things better for Muslims? Or at least harm a greater number of non-Muslims over their own people?). If their motives were pure, wouldn’t they have been pro Muslim?

Leadership in many cults have a history of this, it boils down to trying to make things worse to trigger a state of cognitive dissonance with the world, to make things so illogically messed up that it must be a part of some greater plan (there are a number of wonderful religious charities in the world. They exemplify what religion can and should be about, making your deity(s) look good through your works, rather than committing suicide bombings or other acts of terrorism to try to make people agree with you out of fear). No one drinks the Kool-Aid because everything is going great and will continue on that trajectory.

Arguably the worst thing about all this, is that it takes resources and credibility away from actual victims. Real victims can and should stand together in solidarity, but unfortunately in today’s world they need also be cautious of the pretenders lurking among them.

Call to Action
There is no dramatic solution, there’s no right group to join to avoid Pro-Abortionists and similar phonies, there’s just education and better choices going forward.

If a politician you voted for commits some unforgivable action (Roy Moore’s pedophilia comes to mind, but Toronto mayor Rob Ford has the clarity of hindsight. He based a campaign around conservative values and victory against the homosexual agenda, but he used the office as a den to smoke crack, abused his wife as a sex slave to house guests, etc. Canadian voters did not fall for his façade twice), renounce your support for them, and vote for someone else. If a top party official urges you to vote against your true convictions, do likewise to them. This is not guilt by proximity, this is them actively making themselves accessories to the crime.

Of course, for many these words are to be dismissed, because I have committed some imaginary provocation against you. If you feel this way, re-read any of the above and look for the places I said anything directly negative of your group, or favorable to the other? The only side which has actually been spoken down to, will never admit they exist and are therefore exempt from having any excuse to complain.