The number of words,letters,consonants,vowels,words that begin with a vowel and a consonant,the number of words that occur more than once, occur more in one form, in one form, number of nouns, the number of non-nouns, names,other nouns, male names and finally generations are ALL Divisible by 7 In Matthew 1:1-11
The unique vocabulary of Matthew are divisible by 7
Genesis 1:1 combine the letters and multiply the product of the letters,then divide it by the number of words and multiply the product of words, it equals Plato's Pi, 3.146
Do the same with John 1:1 and you get 2.7183, the number of Euler's Number.
Every 49 words in Genesis,Exodus,Deutomenary, and Numbers spell out Torah, but Letivicitus spells God, like the Books evolve around God.
Genealogy in Genesis 5 spells out Man Is Appointed Mortal Sorrow But The Blesses God shall come down Teaching His Death Shall Bring The Despairing Comfort/Rest.